Battle of The Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    South carolina seceeded from the union on December 20, 1860. This is when Robert Anderson and his force of 85 soldiers were positioned at Fort Moultrie near the mouth of Charleston Harbor. Anderson feaared the safety of his men and moved them to Fort sumter. Morning at 4:30am confederate batteries opened fire on Fort sumter and continued for 34 hours. Anderson did not return fire for the first 2 hours because he thought it would be best. On Saturday, April 13, Anderson surrendered the fort.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    The confederacy split its forces in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1862. They split into severeal small commands. This was an attempt to complicate Fedetak operations. M. Mitchel eventually occupied more than 100 miles along the Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis, and Charleston railroads.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    They were investing the city and a confederate army under Lt. Gen. John Pemberton. on July 4, Vicksburg surendered after operations.
  • Battle of Ptetersburg

    Battle of Ptetersburg
    The battle of petersburg was also known as seige of Petterssburg this wwas diffrent battles around the cities of Richmond and Peterburg, Virgina. The battle was from june 9, 1864 to March 25, 1865. This was during the civil war.
  • Battle of Palmetto Ranch

    Battle of Palmetto Ranch
    After the surrender of Gen. Robert .E. Lee the last land action of the civil war took place at palmetto Ranch. The ranch was near Brownsville . Early in the war the union army had briefly occupied brownsville. They were unable to hold the city. The time period of this battle was from May 12, 1865 to May 13, 1865.