Battle of priceton

battle of prineton

  • Battle of Canada

    Battle of Canada
    the Battle of Canada the British had won the Battle of Canada.
  • Battle of New York City

    Battle of New York City
    there was a battle of New York City one day the British army had won New York City.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    the Battle of Trenton the colonies have won Battle of Trenton.
  • Period: to

    battle of prineton

    it was the battle of Princeton the colonial had the first victory.
  • battle of saratoga

    battle of saratoga
    the battle of Saratoga October 17th, 1777 the colonial general: Horatio Gates he led them to battle and they won saratoga they we meant the colonial and we have with us are France, Prussia, and Spain.