
Battles 1775-1781

By estow
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    The battle of bunker hill was at Boston. The leader for the colonists was William Howe.The British rushed them repeatedly until they retreated.The british won the battle but lost a lot of troops. General Warren died in the battle also.
  • Battle of Lexington and concord

    This battle was significant because there was a lot of tension between the colonists and British troops. There was a ambush on the British. Also known as shot heard across the world.They wanted to capture Sam dams and john Hancock.Paul revere warned the people the British were coming. 49 colonists died in battle. What caused the battle was the tension between two and how the king did not treat them fair.
  • Battle of trenton

    Battle of trenton
    George washington led this battle and crossed the river of delaware. This secret attack was on December 26th 1776. The colonists with george washington won the battle. This was a major win because they gained confidence knowed they can win this.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    It was fought in new york in saratoga county. The british lost but they lost a lot of troops and cost them. They surrender in the war. THe americans were led by john b.It was considered the turning point because it seemed like the americans can win the war.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    In april they captured it and it was because it was the hostility between the two.The french alliance helped the americans in this battle. General John b led the french alliance and they helped take take boston back.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The british surrender to george washington and the colonists. The french alliance helped them win the war. The general was george washington and the result was colonists win the war for independence.