Battle of lexington and concord

  • Bonhomme Richard vs. the serapis

    The most famous naval battle took place off the cast of england in 1779.
  • Lexington and concord

    The first battle of the american revolutionart. Won by the british. no one knows who shot the first shot
  • Second continental congress

  • Battle of Bunker HIll

    It was a really blood battle and american's can fight the british soldiers.
  • Invading Candada

    American's were invading candada and had to leave becuase they got a diesese
  • Battle of Trenton

    George washtington wanted to get a surprise attack on Trenton New Jersey. IT was successful victory for the Americans.
  • Battle of Princeton

    IT was george washington 2nd surprised attack.
  • Attack on Ticonderoga

    Ticonderoga was attacked by the Green MTN boys
  • Battle of Saratoga

    It was a major turning point in the wat
  • Valley forge

    Because food was so scarc, the soldiest maianly ate thin soup and dry bread patties.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Congrees approved the treaty.
  • Help From Overseas

    The help was fanrce, it help to win the war
  • Help from the Spanish

    The americans got unofficial help from spain.
  • Battle of Vincennes

    the men at fort vicennes were surise.
  • benedict arnold discovered as a traitor

    he was a traitor
  • Battle of Yorktown

    The victory at Yorktown was the last major battle of the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The congress approved the treaty.