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By nbundy
  • LaSalle

    LaSalle claimed Ohio around 1669. He claimed Ohio River Basin. He lived on the Southern Borderon the Ohio River.
  • Ottawa

    The Ottawa came from the North aboutin 1740. They made a beaded pouch. They are closest to the Maumee River.
  • Mingo

    The Mingo are also called the Senca. They moved from the East in the 1740s. They made a maskalso they are closest to the Cuyahoga River.
  • Wyandot

    The Wyandot came from Ontario, Canada 1740s. They made a wooden mask. They are in the middle of Ohio.
  • Shawnee

    Eurapeans moving into Pennslyvania and Kentucky pushed the Shawnee into Ohio about in 1740. They made a carring bag. Tey are closest to the Scitio River.
  • Miami

    The Miami came from Wisconsin in the 1740s. They madesome mocassins. They were closest to the Little Miami River.
  • Delaware

    The Delaware were pushed west from New Jeresey area by the Eurapeans in 1750s. They made a doll, they were closest to the Tuscarawas River.
  • The French/Indian War

    The French/Indian War
    The French/ Indian War started because the French and Native Americans defeated Washington and his troops.Also rembered as the 7 yr war.1763 the British and French leaders signed a peace treaty. The French decided the'd had enough so in 1752 they attacked agian.
  • American Revoulation

    American Revoulation
    The war started in 1765 and ended in a peace treaty in 1783. The people wanted to govern themselves. These were the seeds of the American Revoulation.Most of the american revoulation waws foght on the Alantic Ocean. Someone from the american revoulation is George Washington and a lot more.
  • Declaration Of Independance

    Declaration Of Independance
    The Declaration of Independance was signed on July 4,1776 by the Congressional Representatives of the 13 colines. Thomas Jefferson signed the Declarartion of Independace. It is in the United States.
  • Northwest Territory

    Northwest Territory
    The land was measured and ready for sale in1787. The were in the Northwest Territory. One person from the Northwest Territory is Arthur St.Clair.
  • The US Constitution

    The US Constitution
    The US Constitution has over 4,400 words in it. Also it is the oldest and shortest written Constitution. Also written in Philadelphia signed on September 17, 1787.James Madison and a couple more presidents rite it.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The War of 1812 ,a war in which the US,Great Britian,and the Native Americans fought. The US won the right to ship to other countries without interference.