B1: The Struggle from Apartheid to Freedom

  • Period: to

    The Path to Freedom

    This is the timeline for Apartheid in South Africa from 1948-2007.
  • Apartheid Leaders and Practices

    Apartheid Leaders and Practices
    In the 1950s- 60s laws were passed, enforced by the National Party Governments of South Africa, that classified people by race and denied their rights. The African National Congress campaigned for non-racial democracy. Hendrik Verwoerd was the father of Apartheid. Other countries criticized Africa for the apartheid. After the Sharpville massacre, which many coloreds were killed in, the government banned all non-apartheid organizations. Thousands of people were arrested for protesting.
  • National Party

    National Party
    The national party, also known as NP, was established in 1914 in Bloemfontein by JBM Hertzog. The Np protected the interests of white Afrikaners against black Africans and Bristish influence. The national party came together to win the 1948 elections. By 1948 they became the ruling political party. They were successful in wining the election. NP was the governing party from 1948 to 1994. In 1994, they lost the election to the African National Congress. Which lead to he end of the NP.
  • Hendrik Verwoerd

    Hendrik Verwoerd
    Hendrik Verwoerd was known as "The Father of Apartheid." Verwoerd was a very educated man and he majored in sociology. He was the 6th prime minister of South Africa and he was an advocate of segregation. He banned any anti-apartheid organizations during his time of leadership. Many people strongly disliked Verwoerd, in fact three people tried to kill him. One person tried to assassinate him and another person shot him in the head twice. The last person was a white man who stabbed him to death.
  • Population Registration Act

    Population Registration Act
    The Population Registration Act required each person to be registered by their chacteristics such as their race and social acceptability. The citizen's rights, schools, and economics and based on the group they were categorized in. When the Act was passed, people who had been denied their rights became enraged. President F. W. de Klerk gave a speech on saying that he would support the repeal of apartheid related laws. On Febuary 1, 1991, de Klerk said any remaining laws would be repealed.
  • Bantu Education Act

    Bantu Education Act
    The Bantu Education Act was an integal part of the policy of Apartheid in South Africa. It dictated that the non-whites were not entitled to the same quality of education as the ruling whites. They were only trained to do jobs of manual labor. They also had to be taught half of their classes in the unfamiliar Afrikaan language. Their protest became the Soweto uprising and led to the deaths of over 300 students. .
  • Bantu Authorities Act of 1951

    Bantu Authorities Act of 1951
    Duing the Bantu Authorities Act of 1951 the whites pushed the colored out of their homes and took over their land. The homes, in which the whites put the colored, were very bad quality and at most could only support half of the population. The whites also assigned the colored, jobs. But, these jobs had a very low pay and a high labor amount. The summary of the Bantu Authorities Act of 1951 was the whites having total controll over the colored.
  • Freedom Charter

    Freedom Charter
    The Freedom Charter was signed in 1955 in South Africa and symbolized a new Democratic beginning for all South Africans. It quaranteed all citizens the rights previoously enjoyed by only the whites. It signaled the end of heh Aparthied Era and the beginning of Democracy.
  • The Rivonia Trial

    The Rivonia Trial
    The Rivonia Trial took place from 1963-1964. Mandela and ten other leaders of the African National Congress were charged for 221 acts of sabotage to the Aparteid. The Rivonia Trial lasted for 6 months. In the trial Mandela spoke for four hours. He dedicated his life to the struggle for the African people. He also admitted that he had organised the sabotage. The trial ended in June, but the eleven leaders were found guilty. The were sentenced to life prison, but not death.
  • The Soweto Uprisings

    The Soweto Uprisings
    The Soweto Uprisings happened because of apartheid and the Bantu Education Act. The Bantu Education Act gave blacks no chance to get a job in society they wanted. High school students protested for a better education. The students fought hard using anything that came to hand. Sticks, rocks, bricks, even school bags were used to attack the police. The police responded by firing round after round of tear gas and bullets. The police killed all ages, including young students.
  • Soweto Uprising

    Soweto Uprising
    Soweto Uprising was a massive protest lead by the non-white students of South Africa in the Southwest Township, nicknamed "Soweto". The cause of the protest was the mandatory use of the Boer language Afrikaans and the Bantu Education System, which was simply training for non-whites to become common laborers for the whites. Students were angry that their rights were being taken away from them and about the Apartheid, a set of racist laws. Thousands of martyrs were either killed or injured.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for twenty-seven years, and the reason was because he opposed the South African Government. He was imprisoned in Robben Island, which is off the coast of South Africa.
  • President F. W. de Klerk

    President F. W. de Klerk
    F. W. de Klerk was elected president of South Africa in 1989. His first act as president was to release Nelson Mandela and other members of the ANC. With Mandela and other members of the ANC they discused the future of South Africa and ended the apartheid. De Klerk later receaved a Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela.
  • President Frederik Willem de Klerk

    President Frederik Willem de Klerk
    F.W. de Klerk is elected president of South Africa. In his first speech he argued against aparthied. He freed Nelson Mandela and lifted the ban on the ANC. He anounced that the country would make a new constitution. Then he had univeral democratic elections and he was appointed executive depudy president. He and Mandela were awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1993.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was the first black president of South Africa. He was leader of the ANC and had been in prison for 27 years before being elected. He was imprisioned on Robben Island with 10 other leaders from the ANC. He recieved the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. He also started the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. He wrote South Africa's new constitution. In 1996, he started the Truth and Reconciliation Commision. He retired after being president for five years.
  • ANC

    The ANC,or African National Congress, was founded in 1912. Though the ANC was founded very early it took control in 1994. The main Goal was to lead the whole African comunity to one Unity. The next main goal was to end the Apartheid.The ANC has kept their hard work up and has seen a lot of improvement since.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela was the first black South African to be elected president. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for sabotage. He nagotiated with President F. W. de Klerk to have multi-racial elections. Mandela and de Klerk started to work together to end apartheid. Therefore they were both were awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1993. Nelson Mandela has been awarded over 400 awards over the course of four decades. In 1999 Mandela finished his precindency and retired.
  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu
    Tutu, who was born october 7, 1931, grew up going to a mission school. He wanted to be a doctor but insead was a teacher. he went to University of London. In 1975 he became dean of Johannesburg. He changed white rules. Later, he became Bishop of Lesotho and Johannedburg. In 1986, he became Archbihsop of Cape Town and became the first black person to head the Anglican church in South Africa. When Nelson became presedent, the Aparthied ended. Later, tutu was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
  • Jacob Zuma

    Jacob Zuma
    Jacob Zuma was born in 1942. He joined the ANC when he was 15. He worked along side nelson mandella and was inprisoned with him. In 2005 he was charged with rape but was not convicted. Jacob Zuma was the previous president of the ANC. But on January 22, 2007 He bacame the President of South Africa. He won the presidential election by his politicale veiws. Of fairness and equality.
  • Jacob Zuma

    Jacob Zuma
    Jacob Zuma became the second non-white president for South Africa.He has been in the African National Congress for 30 years. He reblles the Apartheid and was sent to Robben Island, the worst prison in Africa, for 10 years. In 2005 he was charged of rape but he was not convicted. In 2007, when he won the election, he beat out Thabo Mbeki. He is still currently the president, and will be for a while.
  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu
    Archbishop Desmond tutu made a huge impact on the world. He was a teacher but then became a priest in 1960. He became more known because he began to speak out against Apartheid. He started speakng out in South Africa in 1967. He eventually traveled to many different places. He finally ended Apartheid with Nelson Mandela. In 1984 he was awarded the Noble Peace Prize. He was also awarded the Pacem Prize in 1984,the Albert Schweitzer Prize in 1986, and The Ghandi Peace Prize in 2005.