Australian Involvement - WW1

  • Australia's first involvement

    Began when Britain and Germany went to war. Most of the men accepted into the Australian Imperial Force were first sent to Egypt, not Europe.
  • First significant Australian action

    The Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force’s (ANMEF) landing on Rabaul, Papua New Guinea.
  • ANMEF took possession

    German New Guinea, Toma and the neighbouring islands of the Bismarck Archipelago in October 1914.
  • Royal Australian Navy major contribution

    HMAS Sydney destroyed the German raider SMS Emden.
  • Australian Imperial Force (AIF) landed in Gallipoli

    Members of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) landed in Gallipoli, Turkey with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France. The next year Australian forces fought on the Western front and in the Middle East
  • Middle East campaign began

    [approx. date unknown]
    Australians took part in the defence of Suez Canal and became allies in the re-conquest of the Sinai Desert. The following year, troops advanced into Palestine and captured Gaza and Jerusalem.
  • Australian forces occupied Lebanon and Syria

    [approx. date unknown]
    Turkey sued for peace on 30 October 1918.
  • Australian forces won in the battle of Hamel

    This was the peak of their fighting performance.
  • Forces took part in a series of advances

    The advances continued until they were relieved early October. Germany then surrendered on November 11.