Auguste Comte

  • Positivism

    Auguste Comte is the founder of positivism. He created his six-volume work course on positive philosophy from 1830-1842 (The Auguste Comte Memorial Lectures).
  • What is Positivism?

    To Comte, positivism is the interpretation that scientific observation and theorizing offers the epistemological supporting of a final stage in social development, which replaces the earlier “theological” and “metaphysical” stages(The Auguste Comte Memorial Lectures). This connotation among science and progress gives inspiration for the form of scientific investigation of a social phenomenon which has become crucial to understanding our modern world (The Auguste Comte Memorial Lectures).
  • First Stage of Positivism: Theological Stage

    The theological stage is the eldest and most primitive stage. In this stage, there is no reason why things are happening the way they are. The only reasoning people have is that this is the way the god(s) made it. This stage alone has 3 sub-stages which are; Fetishism, Polytheism, and Monotheism (Richey, Tom).
  • Second Stage of Positivism: Metaphysical Stage

    The metaphysical stage is the second stage in positivism. This is where abstract power guides events in the world. People in this stage are scientists but, also believe in a higher power such as Aristotle or Plato. For example, Locke believed every religion should be tolerated except for Atheism because religion gives us structure. In other words, religion and science world views co-exist in order to make sense of our world (Richey, Tom).
  • Final Stage of Positivism: Positive Stage

    Finally, we have the positive stage or observation experimentation phase. In this stage, people view things exclusively in a scientific way. They use observations and experiments to show proof of why things are the way they are. Someone in this stage understands that things do not always have to make sense. What matters is what we can see and observe. For example, there is Einstein’s theory of relativity (Richey, Tom).
  • Sub Stages of Theological Stage

    Fetishism is spirits embodied in nature.
    Polytheism is considered religions like the Greek religion where they have god(s) who rule over certain things.
    Monotheism is basically the same thing as polytheism. You have a god who tells you to sacrifice someone to test his followers (Richey, Tom).
  • Citations

    “The Auguste Comte Memorial Lectures.” Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, 8 Feb. 2018, Richey, Tom, director. Auguste Comte: Positivism and the Three Stages (European Philosophers). 19 June 2014,
  • Auguste Comte

    Auguste Comte was born January 19th, 1798 and he died September 5th, 1857.