August 1968

  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagon announces his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination.
    (Photo: Voters with picket signs for Ronald Reagan.)
  • Pringles Invented

    Pringles Invented
    Alexander Liepa, a food scientist, invented Pringles on August 6, 1968. The product was officially launched in Ohio in October of that year. Procter and Gamble states that the name Pringles was inspired by a street in Finneytown, Ohio, the Pringle Drive.
  • IBM 2740

    IBM 2740
    The first "IMS READY" message appeared on an IBM 2740 terminal in Downey, California, on 14 August 1968. IMS is still going strong over 40 years later and, over time, has seen some interesting developments as IBM System/360 technology evolved into the current z/OS and System z9 and z10 technologies.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    200,000 troops and 2,00 tanks from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary invade Czechoslvakia.
    (Photo: Soviet tank in the invasion.)
  • Richard M. Nixon

    Richard M. Nixon
    Richard Nixon wins the presidency as a Republican in 1968. On August 20th, he gave his inaguaral address and promised to bring the nation back together.
    (Photo: President Nixon taking the Presidential Oath.)
  • Ringo Starr quits the Beatles

    Ringo Starr quits the Beatles
    Ringo Starr, the drummer from the Beatles, quits the band after tension had been building up over time.
    (Photo: Ringo Starr.)
  • Democratic National Convention

    Democratic National Convention
    http://www.chicagotribune.com/site/newspaper/news/ct-per-flash-1968convention-0429-20120501,0,2363617.story Chris & cameron use that link ^^^ it has a lot of info I just don;t have time right now to look at it because this period's about to end x.x (Photo: Newspaper cover the day after the riot in Chicago.)
  • Moscow Protocol

    Moscow Protocol
    Dubček signs the Moscow Protocol to end fighting with the Soviets and other invaders. This removed Dubček and dismantled the reform program.
    (Photo: Alexander Dubček.)
  • Democratic National Convention.

    Democratic National Convention.
    The Democratic National Convention opened in Chicago. Thousands of antiwar demonstrators took to Chicago's streets to protest the Vietnam War during the Democratic National Convention.
  • Aug 28 Riot Broke out in Ill

    Aug 28 Riot Broke out in Ill
    In Chicago, Ill., Vice-President Hubert Horatio Humphrey was nominated by the Democrats for US Presidency on the first ballot. Riots broke out outside the Democratic National Convention as police and anti-war demonstrators clashed in the streets. The 1969 film "Medium Cool" was set during the Chicago Convention riots of 1968.