Atomic Model Timeline

  • 100

    500 BC

    500 BC
    Everyone thought that the earth and sun and moon and stars were the only thing in the universe and nobody knew a thing about science.
  • 200

    400 BC

    400 BC
    Democritus introduces the idea of the atom, a little tiny ball that you cant see, and he thought that these little balls made up everything in the universe.
  • 200

    400 BC

    400 BC
    Plato makes the word element
  • 235

    Artistole 335 BC

    Artistole 335 BC
    Artistole introduced the idea of the four elements Earth, Water, Fire, and Air and buried Democrituses atom theory for 2 whole milleniums
  • 300

    300 BC

    300 BC
    Everyone thought that Democritus's atom theory was rubbish and they thought he was crazy
  • 400

    200 BC

    200 BC
    Democritus's followers work harder to prove his theory right and makes a prediction of what an atom looks like.
  • Mendeleev

    Medeleev was born
  • Mendeleev

    only 5 years after Jon Newlands made his law of octaves, Mendeleev made him a periodic table
  • Medeleev

    Medeleev dies
  • Atoms and Science now

    now scientist have very cool technology that can help them actually see atoms and split them