Ashlyn Anthis - 7

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    Pax Romana

    Pax Romana
    27 BC- 180 BC, This era ended with the death of Augustus. Pax Romana means Roman Peace. This 200 year period had no Conflict. There was about 70 millon people living in Rome at this time.
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    Romulus establishes the city of Rome

    Romulus establishes the city of Rome
    735 BC, Romulus and Remus Founded the city of Rome. The people who built Rome were members of an Indo- Euroean tribe. Under the Latin Rome grew into a busy city. The Romans like the city because, Its between trade routs.
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    The Roman Republic Begins

    The Roman Republic Begins
    509 BC, First the Estrsuscans ruled Rome. The Romans threw the last king out, after that they created a Republic. There was patricians and plebeians, The patricians elected officals within them selves (they are the rich people). The plebeians try to challenged the patricians for power. The plebeians gain the right to vote. They finally created laws, it is displayed in the Roman Forum.
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    The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown

    The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown
    AD 476, the last Roman empior was Romulus Augustulus. He only ruled for 10 months. He was over thrown. Became emperor around 14. Julius Nopes ruled after that.
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    Syrian war

     Syrian war
    192 BC- 188 BC, This is also known as the Antiochos war. This war is based on a military conflict between the roman military and the syrian military. The war took place in Greece. The Romans won. The seleucid were forced to give up Asia. Also the Romans walked threw there city with elephants during the war.
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    63 BC, Jesus was born on Chirstmas. He taught people about god and how he was the gods son. Jesus traveled around rome teaching people about god. At this time if you claimed that you were Gods son you would be killed. After he went to heven his teaching became known as Christianity.
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    Five good Emperor

    Five good Emperor
    96-180, The five good emperor are Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. This was not a blood line. This is considered the greatest period of all time. Nerva made friendships with the emperior of Vespasian.
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    The Social War

    The Social War
    90 BC- 88 BC, This war was between Italy cities and the Roman republic. It is also called the Italic war and Marsic war. The Italians were defeated. But not until the Senate gave them citizenship
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    When Diocletian ruled

     When Diocletian ruled
    The Romans started to get weak leaders. There was many economic troubles. Diocletians tried to put rome back where it was. When Diocletian was ruling everything had to be under a certain order. For example Sons had to follow there fathers social position and trades. Poor people could only be farmers. But he increased the army.
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    Punic war

    Punic war
    There were two commanders in this war the first is Scipio the second is Hannibal. Scipio was in Command from 236-183. Scipio was faught Hannibal brother, then defeated him. Scipio rasied his own army. Then Hannibal was in command from 247-183. Consider greatest military leader in histroy.