Apartheid Timeline

  • D.F. Malan

    D.F. Malan became prestident
  • Population Regestration act

    The population regestation act is made
  • The Group areas act

    The Group areas act is made, non-whites were relocated into reserves, mixed races were foced to live sep
  • The ubanto homelands act

    Land reserved for black african became independent nations
  • Abolition of passes and Coordination of Documentys act

    Requires africans to carry idetification booklets
  • Bantu education act

    Seperate education for blacks and white
  • Women Protesting

    20 000 women prtesting against pass laws
  • Sharpvill Massacre

    69 people die while marching to police station, and on that day ANC and PAC are banned.
  • South Africa becomes a republic

  • Nelson Mandela is imprisoned

    Nelson Mandela is imprisoned After the revonia trial for treason
  • District 6 declared a white area

  • H. Verword is assasstinated

    H. Verword is assasstinated in capetown by Demitri Sapendas
  • Seweto Upriseing

    A cerise of high school lead protest, 176 people were killed, one of them was Hector Peterson