AP Government Court Cases

  • Period: to

    Marshall Court

    Expanded Federal Power over the States
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Judicial Review
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    Supremacy Clause
    Necessary and Proper Clause
    Implied Powers
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Steam boats on the Hudson River, established that the federal government had the right to regulate intrastrate commerce if it affects interstate commerce.
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    Taney Court

    Dual Federalism (Layer Cake)
    Increased the Powers of the States
  • Barron v. Baltimore

    Bill of rights does not apply to the states.
    Is overturned by the supreme court decision to apply the bill of rights to the states over time under the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment over time by the supreme court.
  • Plessy v. Fergesson

    Separate but equal is constitutional
  • Schenck v. US

    Clear and Present Danger test
    Schubert test (speech)
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    Cooperative Federalism

    Exploded the federal government power - especially that of the executive branch - and destroyed the line separating state from federal power.
  • Gitlow v. New York

    Incorporated freedom of speech and press to the states
  • Near v. Minnesotta

    No prior restrain on press
  • Brown v. Board

    Ivertyrbed Okessy v. Fergesson
    racially segregated schools are unconstitutional
  • Roth v. US

    Obscene material is not protected by the first amendment
  • Mapp v. Ohio

    Exclusionary rule ; cannot use illegally obtained evidence,
    incorporated the fourth amendment from the bill of rights to the states
  • Engle v. Vitale

    Public endorsed prayer in school is unconstitutional
  • Baker v. Carr

    Courts have the right to determine whether apportionment violates 14th amendment rights
    Districts must be representative of area populations
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Right to an attorney regardless of the accused
  • NYT v. Sullivan

    Defines libel cases, the prosecutor most prove actual malice was intended
  • Griswald v. Connecticut

    Can't aoutlaw the use of contraceptives
    incorporated the implied right to privacy under the ninth amendment.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Must read rights upon arrest
  • Tinker

    Symbolic speech is a protected right
    (black armbands)
  • Korematzu v. US

    California was right to detain Japanese - Americans in concentration camps during World War Two
  • Lemon v. Kurtzman

    Religious school funding
    established the lemon test
  • NYT v. US

    "Pentagon Papers"
    Nixon's prior restraint suit against NYT was unconstitutional
  • Roe v. Wade

    Loosened restriction on abortions
    ninth amendment right to privacy
  • Miller v. California

    Defined obsenity -
    sexually explicit
    must have serious literary, artistic, or political purpose
  • US v. Nixon

    Limited executive priveledge given to the president,
    Nixon had to hand over the watergate tapes regardless of his right ot confedentiality.
  • Buckley v. Valeo

    upheld limitations on political campaign contributions but protected free speech of individual contributions.
  • INS v. Chadha

    legislative veto is unconstitutional
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Texas v. Johnson
  • Clinton v. New York

    Line item veto unconstitutional on the grounds that it gave legislative powers to the president.