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Antebellum Timeline

  • Apr 13, 1500

    Middle Passage

    Middle Passage
    It was basically a ship were all African Americans were pushed in a boat and were all squished together which took them to the south so they could be slaves.They were either purchased or even kidnapped.
  • Apr 14, 1542


    It was a group of people which always fought for their rights better said they were always against slavery.
  • Trans-Atlantic slave trade

    Trans-Atlantic slave trade
    This took place from the 1600ths to the 1900ths. It was about how slaves were traded and went out to the americas
  • The Steam Engine

    The Steam Engine
    The first person to create the steam engine was Jeronimo de Ayanz y Beaumont.Throughout those years the steam engine was upgraded alot.
  • The Spinny Jenny

    The Spinny Jenny
    It was invented by a man named James Hargreaves.Throughout those yearsbthe just kept on reupgrading the steam engine
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    The Cotton Gin was made by October 28, 1793 by Eli Whitney. In 1794 they improved the Cotton Gin it took place in the South.It impacted the South because they needed more slaves to help work on it.
  • Women's Rights Movement of the 1800's

    Women's Rights Movement of the 1800's
    The women were all fighting for their rights. Women wanted to be eqaul to everyone treated good. It limited the womens sphere of influence to the home and the family.
  • Frederick Douglas

    Frederick Douglas
    Frederick Douglas was another aboloshinst and also like Harriet tubman were slaves
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    Harriet Tubman was another African American. She was a slave but escaped from it.
  • Lowell Mill Girls

    Lowell Mill Girls
    They were more known as factory girls because they did work there.There was just pure women the youngest girls there were around the age of 10.For all there hard work they did not earn hardly anything that they deserved.
  • The Great First Migration

    The Great First Migration
    It occured during the years from 1910 to 1970 it was about African Americans traveling to the Southern of the United States.It impacted the South because there were getting more slaves
  • Irish Migration

    Irish Migration
    The Irish traveled to the United States because of the potato famine