Anna Clay Fede's LIterary History

  • I was born!

    I was born on June 6th, 1992, and to my understanding, my parents read to me before I was even born.
  • Mother Goose

    In June of 1994, I remember my mother reading me the story of Mother Goose. I will never forget this book because the pictures seemed so beautiful to me. Also, my sister told me that Mother Goose was our aunt. I was shocked the day I realized that was not possible.
  • Preschool Reading Ventures!

    I entered preschool in September of 1996. I was reading the "Cat in the Hat" and the "Very Hungry Caterpillar." When I wasn't in time-out, I was reading a book!
  • Kindergarten

    "Madline" was my favorite book to read in kindergarten. She had a yellow hat with a ribbon! I also really enjoyed "Curious George."
  • First Grade!

    In first grade, I went to my first book fair! I thought it was the coolest thing in the entire world. There were books everywhere. I was such a tiny kid and could barely reach the top shelf in out little library, but I always managed to pick out a lot of books. My parents did not appreciate my overflowing bookbag, but they liked that I loved to read.
  • Second Grade!

    This was the year that my mother started to read "Harry Potter" to my brother and I. We would snuggle up under blankets and she would read to us out loud. Eventually, we were able to read them on our own.
  • Spelling Bee!

    In third grade, I entered my first spelling bee! I mispelled the word "transportation." There is an "S" in there, apparently.
  • Romana Quinby

    I started to read Romona Quinby when I was 8, and didn't stop until I read all of Beverly Cleary's books! Romana had the best life. I always wanted to be her!
  • Third Grade!

    My third grade year was the year of "Junie B. Jones." I loved those books more than anything in the world. I still have every single book from the series. I thought those were the most hysterical things I had ever read.
  • Middle School!

    In middle school, I started to read Agatha Christie's mystery novels. This is where I also began my love of history novels and short stories.
  • Tenth Grade Final Project

    In tenth grade, we had to do a final project for our literary class. I decided to write mine on one of the funniest novels I had ever read. Of course, I cannot remember what the name of that novel was, but I remember it was funny. It helped me to really enjoy the project instead of dreading it.
  • AP English

    Oh AP English....I had love/hate relationship with this class because it was fun, but so challenging at times.