
  • The enchanted drawing

    The enchanted drawing
    The enchanted drawing was created in 1906 and is said to be the first animation it is a video of a man drawing and he takes the stuff he draws off the paper he is drawing it on and the face changes as he does this
  • Gertie the Dinosaur

    Gertie the Dinosaur
    Gertie the Dinosaur is a animation short about a dinosaur hat basically dances it is about 6 mins of a dinosaur doing un dinosaur like things
  • Plane Crazy

    Plane Crazy
    The fist animation about mickey mouse well the fist one with him in it he hasn't got his own show just yet it is a 6 min animation about planes
  • Sinkin' in the Bathtub

    Sinkin' in the Bathtub
    very first of the Looney Tunes series the title is a refrence/pun to the song singing in the Bathtub it was the start of a great animated series If was about 8 mins
  • Puss Gets the Boot

    Puss Gets the Boot
    Puss Gets the Boot Is the first Episode/Video of tom and jerry the short was a Oscar nominated short in 1940. The video is 9 mins long with Tom the cat chasing jerry the mouse
  • Sleeping Beauty

    Sleeping Beauty
    This was the last Disney adaptation of a fairy tale for some years because of mixed reviews at the box office The animation is 75 mins long with your average sleeping beauty story eat the apple u know
  • 101 Dalmatians

    101 Dalmatians
    based on the 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith The movie is about dogs being taken and turned into a fur coat
    Cruella the bad guy is trying make a fur coat out of them but their parents wont let that happen
  • Computer-generated images are used for the very first time

    Computer-generated images are used for the very first time
    Westworld was the first animation to use computer generated images this was a huge step and would be used in the future a hole lot more
  • Luxo JR

    Luxo JR
    It is the first computer-animated short to receive an Academy Award nomination and Pixars first short it will also be used as the lamp at the beginning of every movie were it replaces the i
  • Beauty and the Beast

    Beauty and the Beast
    Beauty and the Beast becomes the first fully animated film to receive an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.It will also go on to be a movie but with real people a computer generated people like the beast and all the items in the house
  • Shrek

    Shrek is the first movie to win the Oscar.It also used a song all star in the begening with the song blew up becoming a meme For years.
    more movies will follow the first one 3 more 4 total moves were made
  • Frozen

    The top grosing animated move of all time dont know why it is so populsr talk about a 2nd 1 is flying around the movie apples to the youg audince the most probly bescuse it is animated about a princess u get it