
By dfmarie
  • First character "film star"

    First character "film star"
    Felix the cat was known as the first animated character
  • The first to add sound

    The first to add sound
    The animation "steamboat willie" was the first to add sound to their animation video
  • First color animated film

    First color animated film
    Flowers and Trees was the first animated film to introduce color instead of it being black and white
  • First full length cel animated movie

    First full length cel animated movie
    Snow White was the first full length movie to be hand drawn
  • First animated show to run on tv

    First animated show to run on tv
    The Flintstones was the first animated show to run all through tv for people to watch
  • Animation and real life

    Animation and real life
    Who framed Roger Rabbit was the first movie to bring animated characters and real life together
  • Motion capture

    Motion capture
    Avengers: infinity War was a movie the red motion capture where some of the movements and items are CGI