
Animals in Space

  • first animal in space

    The first animal to be in outer space was the fruit fly. The fruit fly was launched off a v-2 rocket. the purpose of this expirement was to explore the effects of the radiation exposure to high altitudes.
  • mouse in space

    In 1950 they launched a mouse into space. the rocket had blown up so the parachute didnt work.
  • soviet union launched

    soviet union launched a flight carrying dogs into space but not into orbit. both space dogs survived the flight although one of them would die on a bad flight.
  • sputnik 5

    A sputnik 5 carried the dogs Belka and Strelka. It was the first spacecraft to carry animals to orbit and return with them alive.
  • iran became first to launch animals

    On the 31st anniversary of its revolution, Iran became the latest country to launch animals into space. two turtles were launched on top of a rocket and returned alive.