Animal and Environmental threats in Madagascar

By raena
  • After independence

    But after independence in Madagascar, concern for the environment dwindled, because M thealagasy government and its people were more concerned with making ends meet.
  • Socialist regime in Madagascar

    A socialist regime was installed in Madagascar in 1975. Most foreigners were forced out of the country, and 17-years of isolation began. Conservation groups declared Madagascar an international conservation priority because of all the rare animals and plants that could be found there and no where else. Yet all hope for stemming the deforestation seemed lost
  • a new way of conserving

    A new conservation ethic swept the world, including Madagascar. It declares that, when preserving places like Ranomafana, it is as vital to help the local people as it is to improve the wildlife and ecosystems. They would be educating the people on health, agriculture, education, and ecotourism.
  • allowing help in Madagascar

    In the early 1980s, scientists and conservationists began making headway with the Malagasy government. This led to the world's 1st national environmental action plan in 1989 and, a year later, the founding of the National Association for the Management of Protected Areas. This association formed many national parks which protects the environment of Madagascar
  • technological advancements make us forget the health of nature

    Between 1994 and 1996 extreme political change, economic progress, and technological revolutions combined to form more democracy than any other time in history, free-market economies expanding, and innovations like the Internet to ‘shrink the world’. But with these innovations we forgot the needs of the nature around us.
  • Sheer population size causes issues for Africa

    Because of the explosive growth in Africa’s population there are many issues occurring such as the soil which many people depend on to grow their food becoming infertile, increases in greenhouse gases, threats to water supplies, extensive damage to tropical forests, and the irretrievable losses of plant and animal species.
  • a letter from Madeline Albright addressing why and how the world's environmantal issues should be taken care of

    America must take care of the environment because peace and prosperity depend on it. We also have an obligation to fix the global environmental issues because humans caused these disasters to happen. These problems can be solved if America works in partnership with governments, NGOs, and businesses that share our commitment to a cleaner and healthier world. National Meetings will be held to make plans on what to do about these problems.
  • A letter from Albert Gore addressing environmental issues

    Environmental problems respect no border and threaten all Americans. All our weapons won’t be able to save us from environmental crisis’s. Every moral that we stood for in the past won’t matter if there isn’t a livable environment. We are a global power in the world so we should use it to help the environment. Our children’s futures will depend on how we take care of the earth today. Managing the world’s resources is very important because all the countries in the world are closely linked.
  • Governments working together to help the environment

    The State Department, working with other agencies and nations, is focusing its efforts on five pressing global environmental issues: climate change, toxic chemicals and pesticides, biological diversity, forest loss, and ocean degradation.
  • infertile soil affecting people's everyday lives

    Most people in Madagascar are subsistence farmers, and because of the increase in population and amount of farming needing to be done to feed everyone the soil is being over-used and becoming infertile. The soil is no longer very good for farming with.
  • endangered tortoises

    More than 600 new species of tortoises have been discovered in the "Treasure Island" over the last 10 years, but many were already endangered because of poachers. (2001-2011)
  • 'Timber Mafia' in Madagascar

    Armed illegal loggers were cutting down protected forests and selling the wood to the "timber mafia" who export expensive and rare wood to furniture markets in Asia and the US. Politicians spread word that rules no longer applied and exporters broadcast radio ads offering money for timber. Loggers rushed to begin chopping down these trees. These loggers earned very little money but were so poor that the amount didn’t matter. Thousands of trees were chopped and sold.
  • political distress in Madagascar

    Donors suspended funding to punish coup leaders running the country; this is an issue because of all the unique wildlife in Madagascar. Security has broken down since the coup and poachers have been ravaging the natural beauty and wildlife of Madagascar.
  • The begining of the lemur poaching

    Because of Madagascar’s president stepping down in March under intense pressure, Madagascar was suspended from the African Union and there was a withdrawal of international support that had long helped to fund environmental and conservation efforts in the nation; leaving Madagascar unable to pay for the control of the poachers.
  • 15 people are arrested for selling poached lemurs

    People are being arrested when cought poaching. This helps a very little amount. There are many more poachers out there hunting than there are in jail so this attempt at preventing poaching is feeble but it helps a little bit. The fact that the police are trying to crack down on poachers brings on a stricter government for the people.
  • Madagascar asks for help

    To help protect the lemurs and end other environmental crimes in Madagascar, the international community was called on to resume funding for the country’s conservation and development efforts. This cry for help brought several nations to their aid and now Madagascar has more money to prevent the poachers from carrying out their tasks.
  • tortoise mafia

    The ‘tortoise mafia’, a gang of heavily armed poachers who are allegedly in cahoots with government officials, take the once-sacred tortoises from defenseless villagers and sell them to restaurants where they are served to customers as a cheap delicacy. Before colonization these reptiles were extremely sacred to the native peoples of Madagascar. They were to be worshipped and never even touched. Now however, they are nearly extinct because of the new lack of respect for them.
  • two poachers were caught with over 50 tortoises

    Madagascar is one of the poorest countries on earth. So when people see poachers making big money on selling tortoises they follow the example and also begin poaching. Many people become poachers just to be able to feed their families. However, this just escalates the issue of tortoises becoming extinct. There is no way to win for either group.