Ancient Astronomers

  • 194 BCE


    The father of Geometry used geometry to calculate the circumference of Earth. This helped navigation in ancient times.
  • 150

    Claudius Ptolemy

    created Ptolemaic System This was a model of our solar system with Earth being the center. Scientists followed this theory for 1,200 years.
  • 1572

    Tycho Brahe

    observed a super nova and a comet. He proved that the Super Nova did not change compared to the surrounding stars. He also noted the comet orbited behind the moon. This discovery differed with the idea that the heavens never changed. This is called the Tychonic system
  • Johannes Kepler

    used research of the heavens that Tycho Brahe compiled to prove the planets orbits were ellipses. This became Kepler's 3 laws We use this today to understand the orbits of the planets. He published Astronomia Nova.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus

    said the earth revolved around the Sun. Copernicus Revolution this changed how scientists understood the structure of our solar system.
  • Sir Isac Newton

    published writing stating the law of motion. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." part of his laws of motion included our understanding of gravity which we see every day in our lives as well as our solar system.
  • Albert Einstein

    discovered the laws of physics is constant throughout the universe. He stated light speed is constant inside of a vacuum, and space-time is changed by gravity. This discovery helped scientists understand the movement of the objects in space.