An Emerging Nation

  • Sep 6, 1492

    The Explorers

    The Explorers
    Christopher Columbus was proven that he had writen journals and letters of his four voyages to America.
  • Sep 9, 1542

    La Relacion

    the report by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca "La Relacion" describing the landscape and people he encountered as well as animals that were new to Europeans.
  • Report

    Thomas Harriot wrote a book which was published... The name was 'A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land Of Virginia.
  • Puritan

    They were a group of English Protestants who had settle in America. Their beliefs were unwelcome in England , but they came to America to escape persection. Puritans believed that they were cbosen by God to create a new order in America.
  • Settlement

    The English were the first to found settlement in Jamestown, Virginia.
  • african

    african americans were the first enslaves in Jamestown.
  • Two Lands

    Two Lands
    Unknow Europeans living in America had been here for more than ten thousand years. They adapted to the changes in climate, build homes and the rest is history. William Bradford described America as a "hideous and wilderness, full of wild beast and men."
  • First Book

    First Book
    One of the first books that was issued in North America by the colonies was 'Bay Psalm Book.
  • Northern America

    Northern America
    First women to publish a book in Northern America was Anne Bradstreet, a book of poetry.
  • Mary

    the Sovereignty and Goodness of God, an account of her capativity at the hands of Algonquian published by Mary Rowlandson
  • The Enlightment

    The Enlightment
    In Europe many citizens or the people came to question who should hold the power in government. The people consent to government limitaion for exchange of protection.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    France allied with the Native American to take the British out of North America.England brought new military leaders and allience with the Native Americans after many defeats they had.
  • 1763-1783

    More than two thousand pamplets were published
  • declaration turned reality.

    the colonies declared themselves free and independent, fought and defeated one of the greatest military powers on earht to turn their declaration into reality.
  • America is Born

    America is Born
    The Constitution was approved and The United States was born. After the defeats, the colonies declared themselves "free and independent."