
American Independence

  • The Sugar and The Currency Act

    The Sugar and The Currency Act
    This is the time when America put there foot down towards Britian to show them they werent going to take there taxs.
  • Son's of Liberty

    Son's of Liberty
    The first event where people of the colinies fought back against Britian.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A event the shocked the whole world, i feel as if the colinist were ready to fight back against them
  • Boston Tea Party and Tea Acrt

    Boston Tea Party and Tea Acrt
    On a drunkin rage Americans came to tell Britian that we were here for a fight
  • First Contential Congress

    First Contential Congress
    America coming together to start a revolution against Britian
  • Decleration of Independece

    Decleration of Independece
    A huge step towards our independence by getting away from Britan
  • The French-American Alliance

    The French-American Alliance
    A time where we found other countries to back us up in a time of need.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The final event for America to get there independence for good.