American History~ 1921-1941

  • Scopes vs. Monkey Trial

    A high school teacher was accused of teaching evolution and it was taken to court. He was found guilty but then the verdict was overturned after some time.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average went down almost 13%. The stock market prices skyrocketed.
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    Great Depression

    It was a great worldwide economic depression that detrimentally affected the lives of the majority of people. The stock market crash played into starting the Great Depression.
  • Bonus Army March

    Congress gave WWI veterans $1000 which was redeemable in 1945. The soldiers came out to march to demand that should be allowed to redeem their money earlier.
  • The New Deal Proposed

    Roosevelt proposed his "New Deal," which consisted of many programs that were aimed to help with the Great Depression.
  • Social Security Act

    This act was signed by Roosevelt and provided provisions for general welfare and the program paid retired workers that were 65 or older.
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    World War 2

    The second global war that mainly consisted of the Allies and Axis powers fighting against each other.