American History 1865-1900

  • 13th Amendment

    Was passed by congress and ended slavery
  • Battle at Appomattox

    The final battle of the Civil war. Confederacy surrendered
  • 14th Amendment

    Everyone has full rights under the law
  • Jackson Impeached

    Jackson Impeached
    Andrew Jackson was impeached due to violating the Tenure of the Office Act
  • Standard Oil Company

    Rockefeller started the trust od the Standard Oil Company
  • Slaughterhouse Cases

    Citizenship was more important, the states determined individual laws
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Native Americans defeated General Custer and his army
  • Compromise of 1877

    Rutherford B. Haynes wins the election bt removing the southern troops
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Farmers rebel the high tax on whiskey
  • Interstate Commerce Commission Act

    Stopped rebates an pooling, made necessary for rates to publish
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    Protected Consumers and stop trusts. Was the first law to ban monopolistic practices
  • Plessy V. Ferguson

    Plessy V. Ferguson
    A supreme court case that ruled "separate but equal"