American History 1865-1894

  • Lincoln assassinated

    Lincoln assassinated
    John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln in the Ford Theater
  • National Labor Union formed

    National Labor Union formed
    The National Labor Union was America's first official labor union at a time when factory work needed unions.
  • Alaska purchased from Russia

    Alaska purchased from Russia
    America purchased the Alaskan territory from Russia, but it did not become a state until later on.
  • Grant becomes President

    Grant becomes President
    Ulysses S. Grant won the presidency for being a war hero, but those abilities did not transfer as well.
  • Transcontinental Railroad finished

    Transcontinental Railroad finished
    A railway from the east to west coast was finished in Utah thanks to many Chinese immigrant workers.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment prohibited the denial of voting rights to persons of color, becoming an important Civil Rights Amendment
  • Standard Oil Company formed

    Standard Oil Company formed
    John D. Rockefeller formed the Standard Oil Company and used horizontal integration to control the industry.
  • Tweed Ring Scandal

    Tweed Ring Scandal
    Boss Tweed of Tamany Hall was eventually brought down by cartoonist Thomas Nast after years of corrupt politics and stealing.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    A financial panic spread in 1873 due to overspeculation and unsecure loans
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    President Grant signed the Civil Rights Act, but it was ruled unconstitutional in 1883.
  • Telephone invented

    Telephone invented
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, connecting people all over the country.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The Compromise of 1877 gave the presidency to Rutherford B. Hayes and pulled troops from
  • End of Reconstruction Era

    End of Reconstruction Era
    The end of the Reconstruction era gave way for the Industrial Revolution to begin
  • Edison invents the lightbulb

    Edison invents the lightbulb
    Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb, eventually allowing people across the country to use light without a candle.
  • James Garfield becomes President

    James Garfield becomes President
    James Garfield won the election, but was assassinated a few months after the inaguration and succumbed to his wounds.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act passed

    Chinese Exclusion Act passed
    The Chinese Exclusion Act prevented further immigration from China for several decades.
  • Grover Cleveland becomes President

    Grover Cleveland becomes President
    Grover Cleveland became the President for the first time, and he had a nonconsecutive term later on.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    The Interstate Commerce Act regulated the railroads across the country to prevent monopolies from forming.
  • Benjamin Harrison becomes President

    Benjamin Harrison becomes President
    Benjamin Harrison, grandson of William Henry Harrison, defeated Cleveland in the election
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act signed

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act signed
    The Sherman Act prevented businesses from forming trusts and monopolizing.