American History 1850-1960

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
    Many people were starting to read more. He published the book and the book became one of the number one best selling books. This book was geared towared the people in the north. The people in the north wanted to end slavery that is why they read the book. Also the people in the north read it but it made them want to succed the north.
  • The Missiouri compermise/Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Missiouri compermise/Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This was formed to try and keep the free and slave states in congress even. They said that whatever states under the 36-30 degree line were slave states. The states abouve the line were free states.
  • Start of the Civil War

    Start of the Civil War
    The civil war begins because the south wanted to have cirtain state rights. There was also the dipute about having slaves and not having slaves. when linclon came to office he wanted to get rid of slavery. Since linclon wnated to do this the sout seceeded fron the north.
  • Emancepation Proclomation

    Emancepation Proclomation
    Lincoln made this adress even thugh the north and the south were still in the middle of a war. He was saying that all slaves are free and that they had the same rights as the white people. He was also making it leagall in the southern satese even though this was not a actual laws becasue congres did not approve it.
  • Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln, Gettysburg Address
    The Noth and the south were still in the civil war. Lincoln made a speech to tell the people that the north would still fight the war. In the address he was telling the people that he was not going to let the people that dided be in vaine.
  • Lincoln was assasinated

    Lincoln was assasinated
    He was assasinated by John Wilkes Booth. Booth was actualy going to kid nap Linclon but his plan did not work. After his plan failed he made one last attempt to help the confedrate side. His last plan was to kill the president. lincoln was at the Laura Keene’s acclaimed performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C. when he got shot.
  • Ku Klux Klan Act

    Ku Klux Klan Act
    Grant made this a law so that the Ku Klux Klan could not hurt the Black people anymore. Most of the time thye still did what they wanted to do to the black people. Since there was a law now theycoudnt get cought because they could go to jail if they got cought. Grant mainly mad this law for the south. Grant did get very harsh mesages from people in the south after he made this a law.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    Was an agrement between the noth and the south. The north had control of the south they were in the Recontruction era. The North and the south made a deal that if they got rid of the troops, had one southerner in Hayes's cabnit, have a railroad from texas to the pacific, and help out the south get back the way they needed to be. That was there aggrements but in turn the south got control of the goverment in the states. They got the vote for the back people and made them vote for the Dem. party.
  • AFL

    Was the first labor union that was formed in the U.S. It was founded in Columbus Ohio. This group was made up of many differnet groups to form the AFL. Samuel Gompers was the president of the AFL in 1886 - 1924. The ALF was made so that they could help the people get what they needed.
  • Overthrough Hawii Queen

    Overthrough Hawii Queen
    In Hawii the queen ruled everyting in hawii. The People in Hawii asked if the US would help them get rid of the queen. The US did come and help the people in Hawii. They went to Hawii and took over. The reason that they whanted to help Hawii is so that they could make it a state and a port stop. Finaly the US did get Hawii becasue they produced lots of sugar.
  • Economic Depression

    Economic Depression
    The reson for this deppresion was that the gouvernemt was spending lost of money on the railroads and the on the building of bulidings. This deppresion was the worst depression that that they United States has ever had. Another reason for the economic deppresion was becasue of Argentina. Argentina made big promisis that they were a good investment. It turned out that because of there weat failure they did not become a good investment for the U.S.These are some things that caused the deppression.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Befor this was sent to court it started but Plessy buying a first class ticket on the train. In the state that he was in there was a law caled the seperat car act. In this law it mad the colerd people sit in seperat cars and have different raid they they would have to ride on. But Plessy chalangerd this law by buying a first clas ticket on a white car. He did get arested because he did take his place in the car. The thing is in court they had the "seperat but equal" rule.
  • Battelship exploded

    Battelship exploded
    In the Battleship eplosion there were many deaths. When the ship blew up they suspected that they spanish aremy were the ones that perpously blew it up. In reality they acually did not do it but they blamed it on them so they could start a war on spain. The U.S did this so they could eventualy get control of cuba.

    The NAACP was founded for the black people because they did not have anything. The people wanted civil rights and this orginization tried to make this posible. This group tried to provide them with better education, cuvil rights and the ability to have a say in the gouvernemnt. They did have a little but of a sucess but the actualy did not have that much they did defet some court cases but not alot.
  • WWI begins

    WWI begins
    World War 1 was a very big war. There were alot of acsualities during this war. The United states did not emiditly enter the war but they did go and help Europe because they were alies with each other. Whe the United States were in the war many of there troops died and lots of the European people. Most of the time the war did not go that far becase they were fighting in trenches. The Alied Power did win the war.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    This was a peace treaty that was made at the end of the First World War. This Treaty was between Gwermany and The Alied Powes. In the Treaty Geramny had to take full responsibility to the damange that the war had caused. They also had to pay for all the damange that they caused and they had to let go of all the teritories that they had defore the war.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    This began in 1929. It was the most devistating thing that had happend to the United states in a long time. During that time lots of people put all there many into the banks and into stocks that were in the market. But sudenly the marketr crashed becasue there want enough many to go around so every on that had stocks and the money that was in the banks were gone. Many of the businnesis could not keep them or they had to get rid of some people that worked there.
  • Start of the great Deppresion

    Start of the great Deppresion
    When the Stock Market crashed it started the great Depression. This Depression was the worst on they have had in a long time. This Depression Affected lots of people mostly the middle class and the lower class. The Upper class did not really get affected as much as the other people but they did becasue of the things that they wowned. Most of them had to get rid of people but they were still making money. The bad part of this Deppresion was that most people could not aford anything.
  • New Deal

    New Deal
    President Franklin D. Rosevelt mad this to help the people get out of the drpression. The new deal had many different aspects to it. Mnay of them were to form labor unions and othere things to help the people get back on there feet. This was a great ting that they president made for the people. Most of the people that were in office at the time were Democratic and there were a few Republicans there too. All they wanted to do was to get the people out of the Depression as fast as posible.
  • WWII

    World War 2 was also a big war. This was the war that the United States tried to stay out of. Eventualy they did have to enter because of the boming of Pearl Harbor. The boming of Pearl Harbore was the thing that mad us go to war becasue we were to have a warning but that never happens so lots of lives were lost there at Pearl Harbor. This war was also fought overseas.
  • Attack at Pearl Harbor

    Attack at Pearl Harbor
    This Attack was actualy a suprise attack on the United States. The Japenies were the ones that put on this suprises attack. In this attack lots of people died and were injured. Thsi attack was the attack that was the key factor to why the Unioted Stated entered World War 2. The reason that the Japenies attacked was becasue the United States were about to interfear with there attack on Asia. insted the United States entered World War 2.
  • Creation of the United Nations

    Creation of the United Nations
    The Name "United Nations" was first used by Franklin D. Rossevelt. Before the United Nations was actualy created the Decleration By United Nations. This was an agrement that they would continue fighting the Axis powers. Three different Unions were the ones that were put togethere and formed the United Nations. The United Nations was made to help prevent another war. They also made different law that they had to fallow so that war would not start up again.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    This battle was one of the most inportant battles druing World War 2. In this war the Imperial Jappenes Navy. This war was fought six months after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. This battle that was on the Japenees was not vere good for them. Dring the Attack many of there ships were compleetley distroyed. There fleet was inreparible after the Battle. The japenes theought that they were going to be able to defeet the United Stated in the pacific and dominte that area but they actualy did not.
  • Allies land on Normandy

    Allies land on Normandy
    With this inavasion they established the Western Allied. During this invasion they had an oreation called operation overload. During this operation they unloaded lots of troops to go and fight the war. In this invasion many countries put there trops in to Normandy. Alos these countried provided arial support. While they were unloading there troops there was a fight going on. This Attack was set up to be during the night to start the fight and to be under cover.
  • Big three meet at Yalta

    Big three meet at Yalta
    This was a conferance that was heals between the big three. The big three were the bigest nations presidents. The United States Predident President Franklin D. Roosevelt, United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin. They were all there to talk about the Europe's post-war reorganization. This was to see witch european places were going to stay loyal too. Yalta actualy became cancervicial because of the meeting.
  • Bolckade in Berlin

    Bolckade in Berlin
    This Blocade was a big crises during the Cold War. They made a wall to keep the western allies fom giving part of germany supplies. They wanted them not to be able to help out the other people becuase they did not want them win the war. Because of the wall that the soviet union put the Allied powers had to send supplies from the air. They had use the Air forces to send them the thing that they need. The arial tacticas that they were using were actualy sucsessful.
  • NATO

    NATO means "North Atlantic Treaty Organization". This orginization was formed by the intergovernmental military alliance and the North Atlantic Treaty. This alliance and treaty were the things that mad up the NATO. This orginization was trying to prevent ne wars from forming. They made new treatys and lws for different countries to follow. If they did not they would be kiked out of the NATO group. Since there was a growing Soviut power many nations got out of the NATO.
  • Truman recalls MacArthur from korea.

    Truman recalls MacArthur from korea.
    There are many different reasons that President Truman recaled MaAurthur. Truman did fire MaAuthur because of his misconduct. He did manything that he should not have done. During the Korean War he asumed power of the United Nations Troops. He also wanted the United nations to compleetly win the war and that was actualy what they did not want to happen they wanted to be able to negociate with them to make a deal. This is why Truman took him out before he could do any more damage.
  • The birmingham bus boycot

    The birmingham bus boycot
    This boy cott started with the arrest of Rosa Parks. The leader that started the boycott was Maarten Luther King Jr. He started this becasue he thought that the arrest was unfair and was unconstitutional. Back then the Black people did not have much of any Civil Rights. He was fighting for there rights.During the boycott they wouldnot ride the busses or they would ride at the front of the busses and them they would get taken out and get arrested.
  • U-2 Spy plane shot down over Russia

    U-2 Spy plane shot down over Russia
    This plane was going over the Soviut area of Europe. In this plane there was a bran new camera and thechnology for the people to find out what the soviut were doing in there teritory. While this plane was in the air around Russia it came off the radar that the others were watching. When it came off they thought that they were okay because the pilot and the plane were to self destruct and the pilot was to kill himself if the plane crashed. But that did not happen becasue the plane was intact.