American Government

  • Jun 15, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    A beginning of a new legal system for the British; this gave peasants (or people from the lower classes) power in court and over the crown. Literally bringing down an autocracy
  • Iriquois Confederacy

    This Confederacy, whole to directly correlated with the creation of the united States constitution was a contributing factor in the many ideals found in the United States constitution.
  • Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

    The leviathan gives us a great detail on how government should be made by people and that we all need government to survive. However, we all must contract into this government.; Also known as social contract theory.
  • Second Treatist of Government Published

    John Locke published the second treatise of government which states that any people can overthrow a government
  • The Spirit of Laws - Montesquieu

    With the creation of "The spirit of laws" the central idea of Division of Power and checks and balances becomes a central idea for the Constitution
  • The Albany Congress

    The creation of a unified colonial government was a key to this time period; although not successful it did set the path for dealings with the British throne and started a time of dissonance with the British.
  • The Stamp Act

    The british authorities create a tax on all stamps and this begins the battle cry of "No Taxation without representation". With this dissent starts in many of the colonies.
  • The Quartering Act

    This gave British soldiers the ability to be quartered in any house deemed suitable. This decreased costs for the British Government and causes tension between Colonists and the crown
  • Townshend Revenue Act

    A new tax on many consumer goods to help with the administration of the colonies. Many colonists reacted heavily
  • The Boston Massacre

    This massacre of 5 citizens enraged people within Boston and this rage extended to different citizens in the colonies and increased tensions
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea act was not a new tax, just a use of British power to force the colonists to buy tea from the East Indian Trading company. This act basically gave new tea to colonists and it was met with much unexpected problems.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonists went to a ship to show their anger. The colonists also destroyed much of the tea that had come into a harbor. This was caused by the resentment of the Townshend tax acts and the tea act.
  • Begin Revolutinary War

    Beginning of the Revolutionary War
  • Declaration of Independence

    Signing of the Declaration of Independence gave the United States the official secession from the United Kingdom and committed them fighting until freedom or capture.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The ratification of the AOC was the United States' first official government. It gave the United States a very decentralized government and allowed the states to have most of the power.
  • End The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary war led to the fighting of American belligerents against the British Crown. This led to the finding of a system that worked best for the Americans during a time where there really was no government.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Many disgruntled veterans rebelled against the United States because of post war economic depression and the problems of no economic policies.
  • The Early Court

    This court created rules and regulations, there were no real court cases at this time. John Jay, the first supreme court chief justice resigned to become governor of New York (Showing that there was no real reason to be in the Court)
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    The First time that the judiciary reviewed an act of Congress. This case was a brilliantly political move considering the factors of Jefferson, the Federalists, anti-federalists and Congress. Stated that an act of Congress was unconstitutiona
  • Taney Court Time Period

    This is a time period where slavery was at the forefront of Constitutional law. The idea that slaves were property and not people was a huge decider in Dred Scott. Vs. Sandford. Prigg vs. Pennsylvania gave the precedent at how runaway slaves should be treated. At this time the court did not decide too much on the creation of power under the federal government.
  • The Reconstruction era ends

    This is a time period where the fragile south was reintegrated into the North. This was literally a change of American culture. Former slaves were given land, votes, and governments were changed to integrate this. Thus causing a shift in Federal power to rebuilder and doing whatever is necessary to create rights for people
  • Pre New Deal Court Ends

    Best characterized by the Taft court, people saw the federal government as oppressive to state democratic manners. Thus, the federal government stayed out of many parts of society. Seen as a very conservative time period state governments received more power during this time period.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    This act gives more funding to schools around the country. This was an act that was very much needed to ensure equality in access to education was done. This created higher standards, accountability, and ensured that the achievement gap was decreasing. Along with this was the 1967 Title VII amendment to ensure that education standards increased for other student populations.
  • Tinker vs. Des Moines District

    3 students wore armbands to protest the Vietnam war, the school had forbidden it and they were taken out of school. The court stated that students have constitutional protections and that a school can only censor for legitimate reasons.
  • Warren Court Era

    Expansion of civil rights, civil liberties, judicial power and federal power in ensuring rights were protected
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Federal Aid and assistance given to individuals with disabilities and gives more opportunities for students will disabilities. This act entitles each student with funds for various accomodations for education.
  • Goss vs. Lopez

    9 students (one named Dwight Lopez) were suspended for destruction of property however parents were not notified and no hearing was made. The Supreme Court deemed this against their 14th Amendment right to due process.
  • Department of Education Creation

    This department was created by Congress in 1979 to ensure that education related funding and federal functions of education were taken care of and accountability was being done. It is used to create policy for the federal assistance in education.
  • Burger Court Era

    A conservative court and emphasized checks and balances in the federal government but did not get rid of the increased federal power received during the new deal era.
  • New Deal Court Era Ends

    This time period is a time where the federal government took more power than it had previously had. Using mainly the commerce clause and the "necessary and proper" clause it was able to heal the trauma of the great depression.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    Creating a program to ensure that there are standards in each school and ensure that aid is given to disadvantaged students. This act includes the necessity of states to create some form of testing to ensure that students are growing from 1st to 12th grade.
  • Rehnquist Era Ends

    A court that decreased federal power from the commerce clause. This court was considered conservative and reduced the amount of federal power and its power in the economy.