American Cultures II: Koger

  • 8 hour work day for government workers

    8 hour work day for government workers
    Workers employed by government now work 8-hour work days.
  • Transcontinetal railroad completed

    Transcontinetal railroad completed
    After three years the transcontinetal railroad is completed. There was 20,000 workers building this railroad. There was 1,775 miles of track. When the railroad was completed population in the West increased.
  • The 15th Amendment passed

    The 15th Amendment passed
    The 15th Amendment was added to the Constitution. It gave people the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
  • The Great Chicago Fire

    The Great Chicago Fire
    The Great Chicago Fire destroyed 17,500 buildings and took 250 lives. Rumor has it that Mrs. Catherine O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern which started the fire.
  • Susan B. Anthony arrested for trying to vote

    Susan B. Anthony arrested for trying to vote
    Susan B. Anthony and other women were arrested for trying to vote in Rochester, N.Y.
  • The Financial Panic of 1873 begins.

    The Financial Panic of 1873 begins.
    People started selling their stocks. Un-employment rose and depression began. Also 5,183 business fail.
  • Charley Brewster Ross is abducted.

    Charley Brewster Ross is abducted.
    4-year old Charley Brewster Ross was abducted. That was the countrys first kidnapping for ransom . He was never found.
  • Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1875
    It allowed segregation of public places. It also forbid African Americans from being on the jury.
  • Telephone invented

    Telephone invented
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
  • Reconstruction ends.

    Reconstruction ends.
    13 years after the Civil War, President Hayes withdraw federal troops from the South.
  • Denied Womens right to vote

    Denied Womens right to vote
    The right for women to vote didnt pass. 34 people voted no while 16 voted yes.
  • Victory for female attorneys

    Victory for female attorneys
    Female lawyers now aloud to argue infront of the Supreme Court.
  • President Dead

    President Dead
    President James Garfield shot by Charles Guiteau. He killed him because he didnt get the job in an office like he wanted. President James died on Sept. 19.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Congress pass the Chinese Exclusion Act. Which didnt allow Chinese immigrants into the United States until 1943.
  • Time Zone

    Time Zone
    The Railroads in the Unites States and Canada started the time zone because of the need for accurate time.
  • First skyscraper

    First skyscraper
    At ten-stories high the first skyscraper in Chicago was built. It was the offices for the Home Insurance Company,
  • The Haymarket Square bombing.

    The Haymarket Square bombing.
    A crowd gathered to protest police violence in Chicago. A bomb went off and killed seven police officers and wound sixty.
  • The Interstate Commerce Act

    The Interstate Commerce Act
    Government can now regulate commerce between the states.
  • Johnstown flood

    Johnstown flood
    An abandoned reservior breaks and floods the city of Johnstown , Pa. Killing 2,295 people.
  • Mississippi testing for vote

    Mississippi testing for vote
    In order to vote Mississippi made black man take a reading test & interpret the US Constitution. Most of them failed it bacause they were ex slaves.
  • New Orleans Mob

    New Orleans Mob
    A New Orleans mob breaks into a prison. They then kill eleven Sicilian immigrants. They were also accused of murdering the citys police chief.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island screens immigrants before they can pass. Twenty million immigrants passed through before it closed in 1954.
  • Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii

    Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii
    The conspirators announced he overthrowing og the queens government . Queen Liliuokalani tried to get the government to help her reclaim her thrown but they didnt.
  • Coxey's Army.

    Coxey's Army.
    Jacob Coxey lead a march on Washington with the unemployed. The government arrested the march's leaders.
  • Income tax

    Income tax
    The Supreme Court strikes down an income tax.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    The US Supreme Court rules that segregation of whites and blacks was permitted under the Constitution. Both races have to receive equal facilities.