America in 1980-2001

By JaithD
  • Congress Approves a 675 Billion Dollar Tax Cut

    The bill reduced overall federal taxes from 70 to 50 percent with the bottom bracket reduced to 11 percent from 14 percent.
  • The Appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor

    Sandra O' Connor was appointed by Ronald Reagan and became the first female Supreme Court Justice.
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    Ronald Reagan's Presidency

    Ronald Reagan is the 40th President of the United States.
  • Assassination Attempt on Ronald Reagan

    A mentally unstable man named John Hinkley attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan.
  • Operation Urgent Fury

    The US Marines were sent to the island of Grenada to overthrow the communist government that had recently overthrown the previous government. The marines won in less than a week.
  • The "Star Wars" Program

    Ronald Reagan announced that there were plans for a Strategic Defense Initiative space system that would shoot down incoming Soviet missiles. Critics made fun of it and called it a "Star Wars" fantasy.
  • Beirut Suicide Bombing

    241 US Marines were killed by a suicide bomber when they were serving as a peacekeeping force in Lebanon. In 1984, Reagan withdrew the Marines from Lebanon to prevent another Vietnam from happening.
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    Jesse Jackson Runs for President

    Jesse Jackson was the first African American to run to become President of the United States. He achieved a good amount of success in 1988 where he won nine state primaries and finished second with 29 percent of the vote.
  • The Tax Reform Act of 1986

    The act simplified the tax code, removed numerous loopholes, and reduced federal tax rates.
  • The Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Ronald Reagan passed this act. Policy makers hoped to deal with the millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States and prevent future undocumented immigration. The act succeeded in granting about three million immigrants with legal status.
  • Black Friday

    The United States stock market plunged 800 points and investors lost over five hundred billion dollars.
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    George H.W. Bush's Presidency

    George H.W. Bush is the 41st President of the United States
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    Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm

    The United States intervened when Iraq invaded Kuwait. New technologies enabled the United States to win the Gulf Wars swiftly.
  • The Fall of the Soviet union

    Mikhail Gorbachev resigned from his office and declared that the Soviet Union no longer existed.
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    Bill Clinton's Presidency

    Bill Clinton is the 42nd President of the United States
  • Terrorist Attacks of 9/11

    Islamic terrorists hijacked several planes and crashed them into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center in New York City. These events dramatically changed the US and US security policies for the 21st Century.