
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott, a slave, was taken by his owner to a nonslave state. Dred sued the government. The ruling was he was a slave and not a citizen and he would not be a free man. The impact--this was a large factor in the beginning of the Civil War.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    John Wilkes booth shot and killed Abraham Lincoln during a play at Ford's Theatre. Impact--caused men of al political parties and Amerians to stand together to support the nation.
  • McCarthy Hearings

    McCarthy Hearings
    Senator McCarthy accused many Americans of being sympathetic to communism. These trials were very public. Impact--Americans questioned communism in America
  • Brown vs BOE

    Brown vs BOE
    In Topeka, Kansas was a landmark case that stopped desegragation in public schools. Impact--changing neighborhood schools to include those who lived closest to school regardless of race.
  • Gideon v Wainwright

    Gideon was accused of breaking and entering and vandalism. He was too poor to afford an attorney and sued the government to get counsel. Impact--it is a constitutional right to a defensive counsel regardless of income.
  • Medicare

    Congress created Medicare to guarantee health insurance for Americans 65 and ove and disbled young people. Impact--more Americans can get health care due to Medicare.
  • Watergate

    There was a burglary of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committe. Evidence showed a possible link to President Nixon. Impact--Nixon's resignation and Americans learned they cannot always trust the President.
  • Reagan's Tear the Wall Speech

    Reagan's Tear the Wall Speech
    President Reagan delivered a speech 100 yards from the Berlin Wall that challenged Gotbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. Impact--The wall came down between and East and West Berlin and they became reunited.
  • Clinton Impeachment

    Clinton Impeachment
    After a legal battle on charges of perjury and obstruction, President Clinton was found guilty and impeached. Impact--some say nothing, some say embarressment for our country.
  • Sept. 11, 2001

    Sept. 11, 2001
    History.comTaliban flew two planes in to the Twin towers in NY, one into the Pentagon in DC, and one into a field in Pennsylvania. Impact--inreased in National Security and Patriot Act passed which allows for more presidential and government authority into personal lives.