African Timeline

  • 1400

    Sea voyages

    Europeans began to make long sea voyages.
  • 1400


    Africans beyond the Sahara began trading with Europeans who had recently arrived on their coastlines.
  • 1500

    Trading Slaves

    African traders began to sell enslaved people.
  • 1500

    Trading Posts

    Europeans had built trading posts on the African coast.
  • Colonization

    Southern and Eastern Africa were also colonized.
  • Slave Trade Outlawed?

    Slave trade was mostly outlawed in this time.
  • Colonization

    European powers began to colonize Africa.
  • Regaining Power

    Africans regained power over their own lands.
  • European Powers

    Several European powers controlled different parts of Africa.
  • Independence

    African countries gained mostly all of their independence in the mid-1900s.
  • South Africa

    In South Africa, independence came as early as 1910.
  • South Africa

    South Africa gained its independence from Britain.
  • Nelson Mandela International Day

    Nelson Mandela's birthday.
  • Kikuyu

    In Kenya, the Kikuyu people started a political organization to secure their freedom from Britain.
  • Ethiopia

    This was the only country that was never colonized, although it was invaded Italy failed to conquer it.
  • Independence Movements

    African independence movements gained momentum at this time.
  • Apartheid

    South Africa adopted apartheid.
  • Africa

    The majority of Africa gained its independence at this time.
  • Ghana

    Ghana became independent.
  • Nigeria

    Nigeria is now independent.
  • Belgian Congo

    Belgium granted the Belgian Congo its independence
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela played a key role in ending apartheid. He was an ANC leader who was eventually jailed in 1962.
  • Kenya

    Kenya is now independent.
  • Joseph Mobutu

    An army leader named Joseph Mobutu renamed the Belgian Congo to Zaire.
  • Igbo

    At this time an oil-rich region controlled by the Igbo ethnic group attempted to leave Nigeria.
  • F.W. de Klerk

    F.W. de Klerk, South Africa's president from 1989 to 1994 finally realized that apartheid was destroying South Arica.
  • Nelson Mandela

    F.W. de Klerk released Nelson Mandela from jail and put an end to apartheid.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • The New President

    South Africans of all races voted together to have Nelson Mandela as their president.
  • Arab Spring

    This was a movement for more democracy that is now known as the Arab Spring.