Affective Computing Timeline

  • Emotient is Founded (2008)

    Emotient is Founded (2008)
    A program focused on assessing and analyzing the microexpressions of humans in response to stimuli related to emotion felt or experienced (Yonck, 2020, p. 71).
  • Launching of Affective

    Launching of Affective
    Emotion-sensing technology and Q-sensor technology was developed and eventually lead to the complete recreation of FaceSense software (Yonck, 2020, p. 66).
  • Launching of SDK by Affectiva

    Launching of SDK by Affectiva
    This processing system affects other programming companies/organizations by allowing them to grow and organize their own programming and processing systems more efficiently and proficiently (Yonck, 2020, p. 70).
  • Tel Aviv-based Beyond Verbal is Established

    Tel Aviv-based Beyond Verbal is Established
    An emotion analyzing system, an Israeli-based company, focused on evaluating voice tones, volume, etc. This processing system allows for organizations and businesses (especially those calling clientele frequently) to have a deeper understanding of client emotion...
  • Q-Sensor is discontinued and Picard created Physiio

    Q-Sensor is discontinued and Picard created Physiio
    Physiio then transformed into Empatica, a sensor creating company (Yonck, 2020, p. 70). E4 and Embrace are the two major products of this company; E4 being created for researching the physiological effects within the human body, tracked and evaluated by the sensor (Yonck, 2020, p. 70).
  • My Prediction for the NEAR future

    My Prediction for the NEAR future
    My prediction for the near future is an app on an apple watch or other smart watches that obtains the heart rate, oxygen level, respiration rate, and blood pressure of the person wearing the watch, evaluating his or her emotional status by naming the emotion most related to his or her physiological state.
  • My Prediction for the FAR Future

    My Prediction for the FAR Future
    My prediction for a hundred years from now is a holograph above everyone’s head via a chip inserted into the cranial cavity of one’s head. The holograph, similar to above, would name an emotion based off of the neural pathways and hormones circulating within the brain/body. Each emotion would be stated in the holograph allowing for people to know how to best communicate with others based off of their current emotion.