
  • End of WW1

    World War 1 offically ends. Germany is damaged, about 57 trillion dollars of dammage has been done to Germany. Wide spread anger gives a rise to new Germany parties. Adolf Hitler starts to get known.
  • Overthrowing The Government

    Hitler and the Nazi party try and overthrow the German government. He is un sucessful and then thrown in jail. He then writes a book on his plans for when he gets out of jail, which a lot of people read.
  • Hitlers Power

    Hitler is elected as the Chancellor of Germany. This is the begining of hitlers plan for a superior race.
  • Anti_Jews

    There was a three day boycott on jews. Many people hasseles jewish owned stored and where ever jewish people were. Six days after the first anti jewish law was passed.This created many things that Jewish peoplee could not do. For example, books written by jews were all burned.
  • No Jews

    In Nuremburg, more laws were adopted taking Jews of their German citizenship. Jews were kicked out of schools, and there were no Jewish Germans who were to marry. Jewish people were also banned not to raise their flag.
  • Taking over Austria

    Germeny takes over Austria. This means that the Germans arrest and explote the jewish people there. Many Jewish men and women were forced to clean the streets. Then in May the Germans started arresting many many Jews.
  • Massacres

    Germans kill and jail all of the Jewish people in countries he has taken over. The Nazis were ordering the jews to lie down naked in a line. When the Jewish people did this they were shot and killed. Then on the 28th of October jews were now being burned instead of shot.
  • efficiency

    Nazi leaders came together and made a soulution to the jewish problem. From there on out the jews would no longer be shot. They would now be gassed and burned to death.
  • Auschwitz

    Germany sends over 380,000 from hungry to Aushwitz. As the concentration camps were being evacuated, some jews were burned on move. If a person was to stumble and not get up they were killed.
  • Liberation

    As liberating groups came to save the jews in the camps, they were not helping the matter. Nazis slaughtered and killed everyone in the camps when liberation was on its way. Liberating troops are in disbelief when they come to find how many Jews have been killed