Abraham liclon

  • born

    this is the date when abraham licoln was born
  • Period: to

    life and details

    this is the life of abraham licoln. and it has some deatils on his height.
  • state legislature

    this was through 1849
    member of illinois state legislature
    not so sure what the real date was but that is the years
  • private law practice

    through 1865 held private law practice in
  • law

    it went to 1865
    held private law practice in Springfield, illinois
  • family

    abae's family consists of:
    william wallace lincoln
    robert todd lincoln
    edward baker lincoln
    tad lincoln
    his spouse is
    mary todd lincoln
    it went to 1865
  • representative

    not sure when get got to be the repreentive
    abraham got to be the representive from illinois
  • republican

    candidate for republican vice presidential nomination. Publicly argued against kansas nebraska act of 1854. THIS WENT TO 1865
  • senate

    unsuccessfully seeking election to senate, engaged incumbent Stephen Douglas in series of debates (lincoln douglas debates), accepting slavery in states where already practicede but criticizing Douglas' willingness to extend slavery into territories
  • unsuccessfully

    unsuccessfully seeking election to Senate, engaged incumbent Stephen Douglas in series of debates (Lincoln-Douglas debates), accepting slavery in states where already practiced but criticizing Douglas' willingness to extend slavery into territories
  • president

    16th president of us
  • 16th president

    this went through 1865
    16th president of us (1st republican president). Oversaw uion during Civil war.
  • homestead

    he singed homestead act of 1862
  • assassination

    abraham was killed on april 15, 1865