A Timeline like no other... Marwa's !

  • Birth

    I was born this day. It was a Friday and a really sunny day :)
  • Soap "Kef"

    Soap "Kef"
    Soap Kef is an essential in every typical moroccan household, it has the "Khmissa" graved in the soap which is a sign of protection.
  • Cake Genova Italiano

    Cake Genova Italiano
    I remember every time I wanted to buy the small cake the whole song replayed in my head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O84Po09TeeY
  • Mimouna Flour

    Mimouna Flour
    My sister and I loved this song we used to sing it each time we saw our mom baking.
  • Sofa Super K

    Sofa Super K
    I remember when I first saw this we were moving houses and trying to buy new sofas so we ended up buying this one but a year later it became really bad and started "sinking" whenever you sit on it. I remember my dad telling me to never trust ads
  • Colorado Paint

    Colorado Paint
    I remember the first time that I saw this on TV I thought it was really cool I didn't even know that they were advertising paint until the end. The music and the dance moves were really captivating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J99HDlBJBA
  • Cheese "La Vache qui rit"

    Cheese "La Vache qui rit"
    This was the first publicity made for "La Vache qui rit", my sister and I memorized the whole song and used to sing it when the add comes.
  • Hawai Soda

    Hawai Soda
    I always loved Hawai, it is my favorite soda and I remember when I first saw this Add I went straight out and bought Hawai.
  • Raibi Jamila Yogurt

    Raibi Jamila Yogurt
    Raibi Jamila is a really famous drinkable yogurt, it was always int he supermarkets but they never had an add for it. This is the first add that I remember seeing on TV.
  • Confiture Aicha

    Confiture Aicha
    Promoting The Brand Aicha for Jam, I remember once I told my mom to buy it in the super market just because I saw it on TV and wanted to try it.
  • Win a phone

    Win a phone
    There were a lot of adds like this to win money, a house, an apartment, a phone or a trip somewhere.
    And I used to think that it was so unfair because they didn't earn it or deserve it. (I still do)
  • Saadada Appartments

    Saadada Appartments
    This video was at least played twice between each program and program. It advertises apartments by putting famous Indian actors in it.
  • Coca Cola

    Coca Cola
    This is a very famous song is Morocco and Algeria. The use of the song was very unexpected. I might be a little bias because I love the song but I really liked the ad.
  • Orange

    I loved the video, the artist in it and the song.