Jaycee dugard

A Stolen Life- Jaycee Dugard

  • Total Pages- 268

    An 11 year old Jaycee Dugard was living a typical lifestyle. She loves her mother, is rejected by her stepfather and her real father has never been in the picture to begin with. While she walks to school on June 10th of 1991, she is followed by a car and then shot by a stun gun. She is dragged into the car against her will and taken to a home where she lives in a "secret" backyard. She is handcuffed and raped repeatedly.
  • Pages 35-68 (total 33)

    Jaycee gets a cat, only for a few days because the cat doesn't deal with being in a tent well. Phillip then tells her that they're going to go on a "run." A run is when Phillip takes the drug speed and he forces her to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. Sexually and otherwise. After one run, Jaycee gets her period. She meets Nancy, Phillip's wife. She doesn't particularly like Nancy at first, but after time she grows very fond of her. Nancy is Jaycee's only friend besides her Barbie.
  • Pages 68-114 (total 46)

    Phillip goes back to prison for a month because drugs are found by his parol officer in his home. When he comes back, Jaycee gets another cat Eclipse. She keeps a journal about her and out of no where Phillip takes her away from Jaycee as well. On Easter of 1994 Jaycee finds out that she is pregnant. Phillip moves her to a trailer home because the house was supposed to be raided by the police. On August 18th, Jaycee's baby girl is born in the room she's been living in for 2 years. Jaycee is 14.
  • Pages 114-167(total 53)

    Nancy brings home a bird to Jaycee, which she soon names Sarge. Jaycee balances taking care of her child along with taking care of the bird. Nancy takes the bird outside on a cold night, and forgets to bring the bird back in. When she does, the bird is alive until the next morning. Jaycee figures out that she is pregnant yet again and months later her second daughter is born on November 13, 1997. Jaycee is now a 17 year old with 2 children, and their dad; a man that she has a strong hatred for.
  • Pages 167-193 (total 26)

    Over the course of these pages Jaycee shares her journal entires from 1998 through 2007. They're not frequent, but the entries helped her feel like she could tell someone how she felt. She shows a lot of growth and maturity throughout the entries. In almost every entry she expresses how she is alone and misses her mother. In order to make Nancy feel better about herself Phillip forces Jaycee to become Allissa, her children's "sister" while Nancy takes her role as being their mother.
  • Pages 193-227 (total 34)

    Phillip's parol officer arrests him August 26, 2009 leading to Jaycee going in with Nancy and her children to speak with the police. After causing suspision, Jaycee is taken to speak with the FBI. When she refuses to tell the truth about who she is, the idea of never seeing her children again is realized. And for the first time in 18 years, Jaycee tells someone everything that has happened to her. After being interveiwed in a hotel room, she is reunited with her mother and her sister.
  • Pages 227-247 (total 20)

    Jaycee talks about the aftermath of being rescued after being in captivity for all of her childhood. The paparazzi makes it difficult for her to go out in public with her children without being mobbed by photographers. She also talks about the final meeting between her and Nancy. Shockingly, after everything they went through, Nancy still loves Phillip. Jaycee needed the closure to help her heal and she needed to say outloud that what they did to her was in every sense possible, very wrong.
  • Pages 249-268 (total 19)

    Jaycee recieves generous donations to help her family get a clean and healthy start to their new lives after being found. She goes to therapy to work out her feelings and issues and to talk to someone about her feelings towards the media and her captors. Shortly after being found, Jaycee has created JAYC, Just Ask Yourself to Care! to help rebuild family relationships come together after traumatic experiences. "I don't think of myself as a victim, I simply survived an intolerable situation." JD