A Decade of Change

  • Jackie Robinson makes MLB

    Jackie Robinson makes MLB
    Jackie Robinson was the first black person to play in the MLB and the first to play in any major american sport. He played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Many People wanted him to fail.
  • Period: to

    A Decade of change

  • France Defeated

    France Defeated
    The French last stand was in Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam. About 40,000 Vietnam troops surrounded 15,000 French Troops. The Vietnam troops eventaly wore down the french and forced them to surrender.
  • The Geneva Conference

    The Geneva Conference
    Was held after the French were defeated. Reps from France, Vietnam, Cambodia, Great Britain, Laos, China, the Soviet Union, and the United States. The goal of the conference was to work out a peace agreement and arrange for Indochina's future
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Boycott started when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person. The NAACP called for a one day boycott of city buses and some 90% of african americans stayed off the buses. then they decided to continue the boycott and the group selectted Martin Luther King Jr. as their leader. then in 1956 the court said that segregation on buses was unconstitutional.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    When a group of 9 african amarican students tried to go to school at Little Rock cental high school they were turned away by soilders at the door. Nearly 3 weeks the guards rufused to let the students in. President Eisenhower sent federal troops to end the stand off and get the childern into the school. the students took great abuse throught the rest of the school year though.
  • Bay Of Pigs

    Bay Of Pigs
    The Invastion started to be planed when president Eisenhower was president. When Kennedy became president he asked his advisers about the plan to invade Cuba. The opinions in the white house were mixed and Kennedy was not sure what to do. Then when the CIA assured Kennedy that the invasion would succeed, Kennedy gave the go-ahead. The invation turned out to be a complete disaster. Poor planning and lack of U.S. air cover doomed the invastion of failure.
  • The Space Race

    The Space Race
    In April 1961 the Soviets launched the first human into space.Then in May 1961 Kennedy made a proposal to Congress to restore America's world prestige. He asked Congress to fund an unmanned exploration of space. This is when the space race became a big part of the cold war. A race that the U.S. would eventually win.
  • The Berlin Crisis

    The Berlin Crisis
    When communist forces closed off the crossing points between East and West Berlin. 25,000 East German soliders guarded the boarder, which started as a barbed wire, but then became the Berlin Wall. The wall was put up to prevent people from East Berlin ecaping to West Berlin and freedom.
  • Albany Movement

    Albany Movement
    The SNCC began a sit in in Albany's bus station in November because local offficials were ingnoring the interstate commerce commissions new interration rules. Then mid december more than 500 protesters had been jailed.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The most dangorous crisis of the cold war. The crisis lasted for 13 days over the Soviet Union instualling nuclear missiles in cuba. To try and stop the Soviets JFK set up a blockade around cuba so show the United States would use force to stop them if they had to. To resolve this the U.S. said it would take its missiles out of Turkey if they took their missiles out of cuba.
  • Birmingham movement

    Birmingham movement
    The movement was lead by Martain Luther King Jr. began with sit ins and marches. thuthorities quickly arrested the protesters. and on april 12 King and Hundreds of others were arrested.
  • The March on Washington

    The March on Washington
    It was the largest civil rights demonstration ever held in the united states. more than 200,000 people of all races covered the National Mall. This is were Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a Dream" speach.
  • President Kennedy Assassination

    President Kennedy Assassination
    Kennedy was riding in an open car of a motorcade throught the city of Dallas, to where he would give his speach. Then out of nowhere someone shoot Kennedy from the sixth floor of a schoolbook depository building as he was passing by. Kennedy was shot in the throut and in the head. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • The Warren Commission

    The Warren Commission
    A commission headed by Cheif Justice Earl Warren to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy. The investigation lasted 10-months and found their was no conspiracy and that Oswald and Ruby had not worked together in killing President Kennedy.
  • Crisis in Mississippi

    Crisis in Mississippi
    Three men were murdered my white men. The murderers of the three men sparked the sighing of the civil rights act of 1964
  • U.S. Gets Involved In Vietnam

    U.S. Gets Involved In Vietnam
    On this day President Johnson cam on national television to say that the uss Maddox was attacked by north Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. This gave the U.S no choice but to attack North Vietnam back.
  • War on Poverty

    War on Poverty
    Johnsons first day in office he pushed forward Kennedys plan to stop poverty. Johnson asked congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act. Congress granted that request in August 1964. The Job Corps offered work tranning programs for unemployed youth.
  • The 1964 Election

    The 1964 Election
    This Election pitted Johnson aganist Barry Goldwater. The Democrats saw Goldwater as a radical who would lead the United States into a nuclear war and turn back the clock on the nation' social progress. Johnson recived 61% of the popular vote the biggest landslide in our election history. Johnson won the electoral collage by a vote of 486-52.
  • Free speech movement

    Free speech movement
    Students striked on campuses and more than 600 police arrested nearly 800 students. those strikes started the Free Speech movement which swept campuses across the nation.
  • Antiwar Movement

    Antiwar Movement
    Much of the antiwar movements took place on collage campuses. Students held antiwar ralllies and debates. by the end of 1965 the SDS had members on 124 collage camouses across the country. SDS members led the first national antiwar demonstration. more than 20,000 people marched to the capitol in washington D.C. where they delivered a petion to Congress demanding that lawmakers act immediately to end the war.
  • Creating The Great Society

    Creating The Great Society
    Johnson had a interest in providing education for the children of the poor. 1965 congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the first large scale progrgam of government aid to public schools. In 1965 the OEO launched Head Start, and education program for the preschool children of low income parents. Congress also athorized Medicaid a program that proviedes free health care for poor people, and Medicare, a health care program for people over age 65.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    President Johnson ordered the uses of rolling thinder to weaken the enemy's ability and will to fight. This plan was called Operation Rolling Thinder. He also wanted to show South Vietnam of his commitment to its independence. They targeted military bases and airfeilds.
  • selma march

    selma march
    600 African Americans began the 54 mile. They meet police once they crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge and blocked their way. They fired tear gas at the marchers and attacked with clubs, chains and electric prods.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Voting Rights Act of 1965
    President Johnson gave a nationally telivised adress to a joint session of congtess. Sparked by the selma march Johnson felt it was wrong to not let their fellow americans to vote. this law proved to be one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed.
  • Stokely Carmichael becomes head of SNCC

    Stokely Carmichael becomes head of SNCC
    He replaced moderate John Lewis. With Carmichael as leader the SNCC abandoned the philosophy of nonvilence. He started the slogan Black Power.
  • The National Organization for Women is formed

    The National Organization for Women is formed
    They fought for gender discrimination in the workplace, schools, and justice systems. Also to end violence against women and to achieve abortion rights. They used many diffrent tactics to get theit goals, like lobbing with officals to change laws, filed lawsuits, and staged rallie marches, and other nonviolent protests.
  • Black Panther Party is formed

    Black Panther Party is formed
    Two young African American who were inspired by Black Power fourmed a group called the Black Panther Party. The two men that founded the group were Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, and it was founded in Oakland, California. Called for violent revolution as a means of African American Liberation.
  • The Group Mayo is formed

    The Group Mayo is formed
    Founded By a group of Students from a collage in San Antonio. They wanted to Achieve economic independence for mexican Americans, gain local control ever education of Hispanic children, and to achieve power for Latinos through the creatan of a third political party.
  • The Summer of Love

    The Summer of Love
    The height of the hippie movement. a generation prolamied the dawning of a blissful new age. although the country was at war and wracked by racism and sexism, hippies professed peace,love and harmony.
  • Poor People Campaign

    Poor People Campaign
    Martain Luther King Jr. was going to lead this event but his death prevented him from doing that. so in may 1968 Ralph Abernathy took over. However the campaign was a disaster. They had bad weather and terrible media relations.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Caused 1968 to become a critical year in the Vietnam War. it was a series of attacks on South Vietnam.
  • The American Indian Movement is started

    The American Indian Movement is started
    Founded in Minnesota by Dennid Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, and others, this organization became the major force behind the Red Power movement. AIM was origanlly foucused on urban Native Americans. AIM called for renwal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education for Indian Children.
  • Robert Kennedy enters the race to be president

    Robert Kennedy enters the race to be president
    Kennedy announced his candidacy after Johnson said he would not seek reelection. Kennedy was making lots of ground by winning promries in Indiana, Nebraska, and California primary. he looked like the favoret to win the presidency.
  • The My Lai Massacre

    The My Lai Massacre
    U.S, troops under the command of Lieutenant William Calley had entered the willage of my Lai on a search and destroy mission to fin vietcong fighters. None were found and their was 450 women,children, and elderly men killed. It was initially kept quiet by high ranking military officials but eventually former soldiers began talking about what they saw.
  • Martain Luther King Jr. is assassinated

    Martain Luther King Jr. is assassinated
    Martain Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Menphis when he was going to speak at a rally on April 3. He was shot by James Earl Ray. He was 39 years old when he died.
  • The Civil Rights Actg of 1968 Passed

    The Civil Rights Actg of 1968 Passed
    Law was signed into law just a week after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Signed into law by President Johnson and is also known as the fair housing act. This law banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.
  • Robert Kennedy is assassinated

    Robert Kennedy is assassinated
    Kennedy was in Los Angeles hotel making a victory speach after winning the California. He was headed for Chicogo to the democratic national convention where delegates would choose the party's presidential candidate. As he was walking off the stage he was shoot three times and was pronounced dead less than 24 hours later.
  • The Boricua Movement

    The Boricua Movement
    The Movement sprang from the calls of som Puerto Ricans, both in Puerto Rico and on the mainland, for the islands independence. When this demand failed to gain much support even within Puerto Rican communnity the movenents goals gradually shifted to self government.
  • Black Power rised up again

    Black Power rised up again
    Was shown by african americans who had government positions. This gave blacks motivations that they could now do anything if they set their mind to it.
  • La Raza Unida Party is formed

    La Raza Unida Party is formed
    Founded by Gutierrez and the name means the united people. The fought for bilingual education, improved public services, educatuon for children of migrant workers, and to end job discrimination.
  • Kent State University violence

    Kent State University violence
    antiwar demonstrators at Kent State set fire to the campus reserve officers' training corps building. The Ohio govener sent national gard troops to control the campus. then on May 4 students gathered in a grassy area on campus for an antiwar raly when the troops ordered the students to disperse the students threw rocks at them and shouted insults. Then the soliders began to fire into the crowd and four students we killed and nine were injured.
  • End of the Draft

    End of the Draft
    3% of eligible young men escaped the draft altogether during the Vietnam War, by refusing to register or by leaving the United States.
  • Vietnam war ends

    Vietnam war ends
    To force Vietnam to make concession President Nixon ordered around the clock bombing of the North Vietnamese cities of Hanoi and Haiphong in campaign the so called Christmas Bombing. Then North Vietnam, South Vietnam and the United States rached a settlement and January. The U.S had all of their troops out of Vietnam by March 29, 1973
  • sorces

    Google imagies, American anthem rconstruction to the present
  • The Equal Rights Amendment falls short of ratigication

    The Equal Rights Amendment falls short of ratigication
    To be ratigied the ERA had to get 38 states to agree with the Amendment. At first it seemed the Amendment would pass, howerver some worried that it would cancle laws that distinguished between men and women. They Argued men and women would be drafted into the military and that men and women would share public bathrooms. Once the deadline came though the Amendment feel three states short of ratification.