A Brief History of Social Media

  • America Online (AOL)

    America Online (AOL)
    America Online (AOL) laumches America Online Instant Messenger (AIM).
  • Friendster

    Friendster goes live to the U.S. public, grows to 3 million users in three months.
  • LinkedIn

    LinkedIn is launched as a professioinal networking site by Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly and Jean-Luc Vaillant. Reaches 4,500 members in the first month.
  • Myspace

    Myspace allowed users to customize their profiles and rank their friends.
  • Facebook

    Facebook starts at Havard College by Mark Zuckerberg. Myspace surpasses Friendster in page views.
  • The Wold is Connected

    The Wold is Connected
    There are now 550 million people on Facebook, 65 million tweets are sent per day and there are 2 billion Youtube views per day.
  • The World

    The World
    74% of online adults use a social networking site.