Spanish Project

  • Moros y Chritianos Celebration

    Moros y Christianos is a very odd celebration. It is celebrated in many cities throughout Spain. Bands play while the soldiers march. They act out battles from previous wars. People encourage the people acting out the battles between the Christians and Moors. They try to keep as much as the props and costumes historically accurate. They celebrate this holiday to celebrate the Christians coming back into to rule of the city from the Moors.
  • Seville April Fair

    This is a huge annual event taking place in Seville. The fair starts at midnight on Monday usually about 2 weeks after Holy Week. Events at this fair include dancing, loud music, and drinking. At noon everyday during the fair girls are pulled on carriges throughout the town, There are also daily bull fights. Friends and family gather to celebrate this festival in Seville, Spain. People celebrate the fair because it is one of the most important fiestas. This fair used to be celebrated by livesto
  • Castellers de Vilafranca

    Castellers de Vilafranca is a group that started in 1948. THey are a group of about 400 people that build human towers. They have a big base of people at the bottom, so it is easier to climb to the top. Small kids make up the top of the tower. This festival is celebrated all throughout Europe. It is a spinoff of a dance called Century Ball de Valecians. It was founded by Oriol Rossell. And ever since this festval has been celbrated and loved by people all of Europe!