chapter 20

  • imperialism

    means the quest for colonial empires. had led three nations to the brink of war. ( British, German, and U.S.)
  • open-door policy

    the open door policy would give all nations equal access to trade and make an investment with china. there was a series of priciples involved, but japan neither agreed nor disagreed.
  • japan

    president roosevlt was worried about the war because he feared that if Russia won, it might cut off U.S trade in japan.
  • jose marti

    born in Havana, Cuba, on January 28th,1853.
    at 15 years old marti joined in a revolt agianst cuba's spanish rulers.
  • yellow journalist

    means pubilshing false new on the newpaper so that the people wouldn't know the truth.
  • willliam randolph hearst

    His father had made a fortune in the California gold fields and was a rich man when his only son was born in 1863.
    Hearst's growing newspaper empire made him a wealthy man.
  • USS Maine

    the USS Maine had been sent to Havana to protect U.S lives and property. on Febuary 15th the Maine blew up, killing 260 sailors.
  • Emilio Aguinaldo

    Filipinos had been fighting for independence from Spain.
  • Rough Riders

    Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt had resigned his navel post. in the war's most famous battle, he led a cavalry unit of about 1,000 soldiers toward the Indians and ranchers.
  • platt amendment

  • panama canal

  • monroe doctrine

  • Roosevelt Corollary

  • Dollar Diplomacy