
  • monroe doctrine

    monroe doctrine
    it cast as a protector of the westen hemisphere.
    roosevelt william h taft and woodrow wilson enforced it as a way to protect the united states in latin america
  • panama canal

    panama canal
    the united states made the canal becasue they wanted to save time money and time traveling through the seas...
  • william randolph hearst

    william randolph hearst
    he was very interested in the cuban situation.
    he was expelled form high school and finished his studies at home.
    he left hravard as a junior and got a job in new york as a reprter.
    he used yellow journalism..
  • imperialism

    imperialism is driven by the need to have more land in order to gain their natural resources and to gain more power and prestige...
  • open-door policy

    open-door policy
    it gave all nations equal access to tradeand investment in china.. they were all charged the same amount of taxes and tariffs for harbor and railroad...
  • uss maine

    uss maine
    it had been sent to protect u.s lives and property but then accidently blew up because there was a fire in the coal bin.. must most of the people blamed the incident on a spanish attack..
  • rough riders

    rough riders
    they were soldiers composed of college athletes cowboys american indians and ranchers
  • platt amendment

    platt amendment
    it limited cubas freedom to make treaties with other countries and authorized the united states to intervene in cuban affars as it saw necessary...
  • jose marti

    jose marti
    he was born in cuba and later became exiled to spain for revolting against cuba's spanish rulers..
    he was a martyr for cuban independence...
  • roosevelt collary

    roosevelt collary
    it modified the monroe doctrine...i added onto it
  • japan

    japan eventually became a world power because it opened its doors to trade with the west...
  • dollar diplomacy

    taft favored substituting dollars for bullets as means of protecting interests in latin america and asia
  • emilio aguinaldo

    emilio aguinaldo
    he was the leader of the filipino patriots...
    he helped with the surrender of spanish forces..
    he had set up a provisional government and proclaimed himself president fo the new philippine republic...