Applying the Bill of Rights to the States

  • Due Process

    Due Process
    The United States Supreme Court began to apply the guarantees of the Bill of Rights to the states. The Court based its actions on the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.
  • 1925

    The Supreme Court gradually began using the due process clause to say that states could not abridge a right that the national government could not abridge.
  • 1931

    The Court ruled, in a 1931 Supreme Court case, that the freedom of the press offered by the national Bill of Rights had to be offered by every state as well.
  • 1934

    The Supreme Court ruled that freedom of religion provided for in the first amendment had to be provided by all states.
  • 1960's

    The Supreme Court broadened its interpretations to limit state action in most areas in which the national government action is limited. Eg. the 4th Amendment (prohibiting unreasonable search and seizures), the 5th Amendment (prohibiting compulsory self-incrimination) , and the 8th Amendment (prohibiting crual and unusual punishment).