Girton.Abraham Lincoln

  • Abraham Lincoln Was Born.

    Abraham Lincoln Was Born.
    Abraham Lincoln was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Lincoln. He had a sister, Sara Lincoln. He was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky.
  • The Star-Spangled Banner Is Born

    The Star-Spangled Banner Is Born
    Francis Scott Key wrote the poem that is now our national anthem. H ewas on a British ship watching Fort McHenry get blown to pieces by guns and cannons. But, at the end of the fight the flag was still standing.It was untouched.
  • Napoleon's Last

    Napoleon's Last
    Napoleon died in exile, the Emperor of France. He died at the hands of his friend. He died on St. Helena Island. He died by slow poisoning.
  • Financial Problems

    Financial Problems
    While Lincoln worke his law practice, he had financial problems. At one point, he was in debt 1,100 dollars! At the time, Lincoln jokingly called it "National Debt". But, this was not a laughing matter. $1,100 was a very high amount for a poor man such as Lincoln back then. Lincoln paid it off in 10 years!
  • Mary-Toddd Lincoln

    Mary-Toddd Lincoln
    Mary-Toddcame from a wealthy family. Abraham came from a poor family that could not afford much. This caused many marriage problems . Mary-Todd gave birth to 4 children. 1 lived a longlife, 3 died before the age of 21.
  • Potato Famine in Ireland

    Potato Famine in Ireland
    The potato famine in Ireland caused immigration to Amercia. The numbers were massive. Many came to try their luck in the new land.
  • Stephen Douglas

    Stephen Douglas
    Stephen Douglas was not for or against slavery. Lincoln was against slavery. This conflict made them rivals. Lincoln was over 6 ft.tall, while Douglas was 5"4. Douglas is known as the 'Little Giant.'
  • Thomas(Tad)Lincoln

    Tad Lincoln was the the 4th Lincoln child. Tad outlived his father, but died before the age of 21.His brother's died at a young age. Robert lived a long life.
  • Civil War.

    Civil War.
    While in office, Abraham Lincoln faced the darkest hour of the nation's history.It was called the Civil War. The Civil War was the bloodiest battle,( and the only), to be fought brother against brother on American soil. It was a war on slavery. Lincoln only wanted to keep the nation together.the north were the Union. The south were the Confederates.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation. Or, The Proclamation of Emancipation.This document is known as both. As Lincoln signed this document, he said"If I ever go down in history, it will be for this act..." 'This act", was a document stating that no man shall be owned by another man. This document inspired the 13th Amendment.
  • Abraham Lincoln Was Assainated.

    Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed in the FordTheater by John Wilkes Booth.When Booth jumped down to the stage he yelled"Sic semper tyrannis!"This, in Latin, means "Thus always to tyrannts.
  • Abolished Slavery

    Abolished Slavery
    Although Lincoln was dead when the nation aolished slavery, Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamaiton was the reason that the 13th Amendment was passed.The 13th Amendment states that all slaves are free.