The Great Depression

  • Prohibition Begins

    This is when the 18th amendment was ratified to the Constitution making the sale of alcohol illegal.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    The Teapot Dome Scandal was an occurance during the early 1920's in which Albert Fall, Secretary of the Interior, was spending extremely large sums of money.
  • President Coolidge is Elected

    This is the day that president Coolidge was elected as president of the United States of America.
  • The Spirit of St. Louis Begins

    This is the first time ever when an airplane had flown over the Atlantic Ocean. It took off and started its flight in New York.
  • The Spirit of St. Louis Lands

    This is the first time anyone had flown over the Atlantic Ocean. They landed in Paris.
  • President Hoover is Elected

    This was the day that Herbert Hoover was elected as President of the United States.
  • Black Tuesday

    This is the day that the stock market crashed. Millions of dollars were lost in a matter of hours.
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    Dust Bowl Years

    These years were the time in which a dealy combination of droubt, strong winds, and failure to rotate crops caused massive storms mixed with top soil to take over more than the length of America. This was known as the Dust Bowl.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act

    This Act put tariffs on thousands of foreign trades. It was a way to make more money on of foreign imports. However, this plan back fired when it caused the destruction of international trade.
  • Bonus Army March

    The Bonus Army March was a protest lead by WWI veterans. They demanded from Congress the bonus they had been promised.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    The CCC, created by President Roosevelt was part of the New Deal that he created. It was an effort to help the economy by giving jobs to over 2 million men.
  • FDIC

    The FDIC act made ensured banks deposits up to five thousand dollars. With this act most confidance in banks was restored.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    The Tennessee Valley Authority act immediately began solving problems in a way that was different than all others. TVA deeply studied each issue to help solve it.
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt is Elected

    This is the day that Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to be the President of the United States of America.
  • Prohibition Ends

    This is when the 21st amendment was ratified to the Constitution which made the 18th amendment in affective and alcohol was legal once again.
  • Works Progress Administration

    This administration once again tried to help the people buy giving jobs to them. It gave over eight million jobs to people doing labor works such as helping to build highways.
  • Social Security Act

    The Social Security Act helped anyone at social disadvantage. this included widows, mothers, the blind and people with mental disaabilities. It also helped the unemployed and gave financial aid to people hurt on the job.
  • The Beginning of WWII

    The beginning of this war told America that the U.S. was finally coming out of the depression. As much as people hate war, this was good for the U.S. There economy was finally doing better.