History of Animation

By lauren4
  • Fist Vitascope

    Fist Vitascope
    The first vitascope prjoect Thomas's Edison's films. It was designed by Thomas Armat.
  • Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio was founded

    Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio was founded
    Watlt and Roy Disney fouded the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio.
  • "Steamboat Willie"

    "Steamboat Willie"
    "Steamboat Willie" was the fist successful sound animated film and it is what made Mickey Mouse a worldwide star. It also launched the Disney studio there is today.
  • Computer Techniques

    Computer Techniques
    Ken Knowlton began developing the computer techniques for producing animated movies.
  • "Toy Story"

    "Toy Story"
    "Toy Story" was the first full-length 3D CG feature film.