Iwo 9 11 final


By cjc4564
  • 9/11

    On Septemper 11, it was just a normal day in america until somewhere around noon two commercial airline airplanes crashed into the northern and southern towers in New-York city.The first commmercial airline crashed into the northern tower,and the second one crashed into the southern tower.Many lives were lost during this tradgity,but many people were evacuwated and safe.
  • Pentagon Attack

    Pentagon Attack
    After the world trade center was hit the terrist crashed the commercial airline into are country's most important military base the Pentagon.Less than 2,000 people died but the rest survived this other attack on the Pentagon.
  • The Third Commercial Airline

    The Third Commercial Airline
    After hearing what happened to all the other flights the passengers wern't going to let the plane crash into the nation's capital so they revolted they crashed into a feild in a recliamed strip mine.No people were hurt with deadly inguries just miner.So the people on that airplane wer not just normal people but they fought for there country.
  • Memorial

    We sualute all volenteers that helped in 9/11 and and are country's support to get through this tragedy we pray for the people lost in this event we sualute America.