Beltway Snipers

  • Sunday

    Police find Malvo's fingerprints on a discharged gun clip at the scene of the crime in Montgomery county, Maryland.
  • Thursday

    5 people are killed at different times throughout the day.
  • Wednesday

    Another victim is killed. Over the corse of the next ten days 2 more people are shot and killed.
  • Friday

    Police investigate an anoynomous call claiming that the D.C. snipers are related to these shootings. The caller says that $ 5 million should be placed in a certain account.
  • Saturday

    A victim survies a gunshot. Along with the victim the police found a note where the sniper demands $10 million to be placed into a creadit card account. The note gives a pin number and says that they should be able to make unlimited purchases from anywhere in the world.
  • Tuesday

    Another victim is shot to death while driving a bus. The police link together Muhammad and Malvo. Investigators have also discovered the mens purchase of the former police car.
  • Thursday

    Muhammad and Malvo are spotted sleeping in a car at a rest area. The sniper task force is notified and dispached to the scene. They take the two men into custody with no problems.
  • Day is Unknown

    Muhammad goes on trial and is convicted and sentenced to death. Two years later he is found guilty of 6 counts of murder and has to serve 6 consecutive life terms. Malvo is convicted of 8 counts of murder and sentenced to 8 consecutive life terms. During his trial Malvo says that the motive for the shootings was "Muhammad’s goal was to extort millions of dollars from the U.S. government that he could use to train orphaned boys to become snipers and complete multiple missions throughout the count