
French and Indian War (Brogan..James)

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War starts

  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    George Washingto defeated at Fort Necessity
  • Fort Durquesne

    Fort Durquesne
    George Washington is defeats French at Fort Durquesne
  • Acadia

    British sieze Acadia (Nova Scotia)
  • Fort Oswego

    Fort Oswego
    The French capture this fort on the banks of the Great Lakes.
  • Fort Henry

    Fort Henry
    The commander-in-chief of the French forces, Louis-Joseph de Montcalm takes Fort William Henry. The infamous massacre occurs, and is later dramatized in James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans.
  • Fort Frontenac

     Fort Frontenac
    The French surrender this fort on Lake Ontario, effectively destroying their ability to communicate with their troops in the Ohio Valley.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    In June 1758 a force of British regular and American provincial troops from Massachusetts, New Hampshire and the other New England provinces, in all 15,000 men gathered at the head of Lake George.
  • Quebec

    British win the decisive Battle of Quebec. Montcalm and Wolfe, the commanding generals of both armies, perish in battle.
  • Montreal

    Montreal falls to the British; letters are signed finishing the surrender of Canada.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    All French possessions east of the Mississippi, except New Orleans, are given to the British. All French possessions west of the Mississippi are given to the Spanish.
  • Indian Wars

     Indian Wars
    Pontiac, the Ottowa Chief, proposes a coalition of Ottowas, Potawatomies and Hurons for the purpose of attacking Detroit.
  • Smallpox

    Men of the garrison at Fort Pitt infect besieging chiefs with blankets from the smallpox hospital. Soon faced with an epidemic, the Indians retreat