
By 2003593
  • President William McKinley

    President William McKinley
    President McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgsz twice. One bullet went through his shoulder, and the other bullet went through his stomach, pancreas, and kidney, and was lodged in the muscle of his back.
  • The Death of President McKinley

    The Death of President McKinley
    After everyone thought he was recovering, he died on September 14th. His last words were, "It is God's way; His will be done, not ours." Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_McKinley#Assassination
  • President Theodore Roosevelt

    President Theodore Roosevelt
    A few hours after the death of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt became the new President.
  • the Mine Strike

    the Mine Strike
    The union wanted all control over the industry, so the miners went on strike.
  • The Teddy Bear

    The Teddy Bear
    The teddy bear was introduced to the public. It was made and named after President Theodore Roosevelt. He refused to shoot a bear, and the word got around. So, they made it for him.
  • Ford Automobiles

    Ford Automobiles
    Henry Ford organized the Ford Automobile Company.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal was in construction long before the United States took over in 1904 from the French
  • President Roosevelt in a Submarine

    President Roosevelt in a Submarine
    President Roosevelt was the first president to ride in a submarine
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Upton Sincalir's "The Jungle" was published. It lead to the the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act.
  • William H. Taft

    William H. Taft
    William H. Taft is elected the new President of the United States.