*8 Revolutionss

  • French revolution

    The Third estate. They wanted to have less taxes and equal rights. The Govt. responded by trying to crush the revolution but they failed.
  • Russia

    The totalitarians revolted. They wanted to replace Kerensky. The Govt. cannot combat the Bulshiviks.
  • Indian revolution

    The indian people are revolting against English salt monopolys. They want to get rid of the monopolys. The Government responded by asassinating Ghandi.
  • Egypt

    the Free Officers Movement was the people who revolted. They originally aimed to overthrow King Farouk, but they had more political ambitions, and soon moved to abolish the constitutional monarchy. Bothe the U.K and France threatend to step in and crush the Revolution.
  • Cuba

    Fidel castro was the leader of the middle class who revolted. They wanted to overthrow the american sided Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. But Fidel Castro wanted to be leader and used them to gain his own power. There was not much resistance from the government.
  • Iran

    The iranians wanted to overthrow the american appointed Shah. They invade the U.S embassy and take all of the ambassadors and workers hostage. The Iranian was helping them to do this so the U.S Wanted to end this quickly by returning the original Shah who was being cured of cancer in The U.S.
  • Nicaragua

    The nicaraguan middle class wants to get rid of the american appointed Dictator. The U.S helps the "contras" who are the opposeers to the Sandinistas. Reagan supplies them with guns to defeat the Sandinistas.
  • Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and other Arab nations today

    The revolutionists of the countries want to have a more fair government and are using violence to try to achieve their goals. The Government is responding by using miltary force to deter the revolutionists.